Modded MX5021

Resuscitated and modded SunnyBois MX5021 with Burr Brown OPA2134 opamps. Sounds improved quite a lot :) Big thanks to Chaos, Lord Dagon, Sandy & Supra for their help.

More mods + pics of my new phone soon.

I'm out of caps and ICs, I had 5 sets, bikey took two, sunny took one and gannu took the last one (one was for mine). Fresh stocks not anticipated for six months at least, and by then I would have moved cities as well I think.
^^ So, where are you moving to? I was wondering if I could ask you for some caps. I have no issues sourcing the OPA2134 though.

@metalsprees, Can mod your MX5021 today also saar. Back to Bangalore already?

@Saiyan, My modding services are available only in Bangalore, as long as I have a job here that is. You can bring it here and I will gladly do it for you :)
congrats Raghu ! :) is your mod the same as Gannu's ? or are the components to different.

aah now i need to find someone who can do this for me in Mumbai :p.

also cant this mod be done using local components or is it necessary to source some of them from abroad ? :p
@Raghu: I have run out of the Thermax caps used at the input of the 7265 - but you should not have any issue finding them locally. I do have a few of the FC/FMs left, maybe enough for one MX or 2, tops. I do have a larger stock of the Vishays, I had ordered about 30 and we've only used up 10 of them for the 5 sets.

My other problem is couriers. Gannu will attest to that - we had a lot of trouble getting the caps to him given that couriers today are cagey about electronic stuff.

If you can figure out a way to get the caps off my hands in Mumbai itself, I'll count out a bunch for you - enough for two MXs, I think. That will wind up all my stock.