Monitors Monitor Covers?

techfreak said:
i use the packing cover which i got with my monitor.....

+1 Best n cheapest solution :)

although computer peripheral cover sets retail for around 75bucks... thse include cover for 17" n 19" LCDs
Check wid them if they can provide u one for 22".
You do know that plastic covers, while the comp is on, will heat up and block the cooling. Avoid the covers just dust your peripherals regularly. And avoid using covers when system is on at all costs...
I suggest you use Colin or any mild cleaning liquid on screen and glossy parts regularly with soft cloth..keeps the dust away...
How is this ? My wifey stitched it out of an old curtain :) The Monitor is a 22" Viewsonic. On the right hand corner you can see a similar cloth - that is the cover for the case.

Crossx said:
I suggest you use Colin or any mild cleaning liquid on screen and glossy parts regularly with soft cloth..keeps the dust away...

do not do that!!
the protective coating will tear off quickly...leaving u wid compromised performance...