Monitors Monitor,GFX,Cabinet @ 28k


Q: What is your budget?


Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

CPU - Phenom II x4 955

Motherboard - Biostar TA 790GXBE

GPU - ATI 4350

RAM - Corsair XMS2 4x2gb DDR2 800mhz

Monitor - No monitor

SMPS - Corsair VX450

Cabinet - Zebronics Bijli

DVD writer - Samsung Octoedge Sata

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)

CPU - Phenom II x4 955

Motherboard - Biostar TA 790GXBE

SMPS - Corsair VX450

RAM - Corsair XMS2 4x2gb DDR2 800mhz

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

GPU - ATI 4890 1GB / ATI 5770 1 GB (max 12k )

Cabinet - CM 590 (4k-4.5k)

Monitor - Samsung 23" P2350 (max 12k) { No to Benq. Not becoz its bad or something but becoz it's Benq G2412 , Benq G2420 is not available here and my DAD won't settle for online buying. If i insist i'll have to drop the idea of buying anything }

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months

CPU - Core i5 750

SMPS - Corsair TX 750

RAM - 2x2GB DDR3 1333mhz Corsair/Transcend

Mobo - Intel DP55WB/ Intel DP55WG

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)


Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market


Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware



Desktop Processing


Download rig, (for 2am to 8am everday)

Watching HD movies

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

Dell , Samsung for Monitors

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

Batman Arkham Assylum

Racing - Grid high settings , NFS Shift high settings, Dirt 2

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

Gaming - 1920x1080

Desktop - 1920x1080

Q: Are you looking to overclock?


Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

Windows 7 64 bit

Note : { No to Benq . Not becoz its bad or something but becoz it's Benq G2412 , Benq G2420 is not available here and my DAD won't settle for online buying. If i insist i'll have to drop the idea of buying anything }
Smart decision postponing your purchase coz you had a powerful system already.
Regarding monitors go for dell coz you like the smell of new hardware :p i.e a new monitor if any thing goes wrong.
Wait for others for gpu suggestions.
ATI HD 4890 as it has more power than the HD5770.

Dell S2409W if you can find it else the Sammy P2350 will do fine

CM 590 is a good choice for 4k.
ggt said:
Smart decision postponing your purchase coz you had a powerful system already.
Regarding monitors go for dell coz you like the smell of new hardware:p i.e a new monitor if any thing goes wrong.
Wait for others for gpu suggestions.

I postponed it till Core i3 and Core i5 comes out in January. I didn't rule out that option
I bought my rig

Waiting for 2 things more , then show - off

Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.6GHz - 9800

MSI P55 CD 53 - 7000

Transcend 2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz @ 1333MHz - 4950

Samsung 23" P2350 - 11000

CM 590 - 4200 ( I know i got ripped off badly here , but can't help , the deals i got except this )

XFX ATI HD4890 1 GB - 11800

Corsair TX 750 - 7800

Nice stuff man. Excellent GPU, and am so so jealous of that PSU. :)

It seems you are heading down the Xfire path..when..?
asingh said:
Nice stuff man. Excellent GPU, and am so so jealous of that PSU. :)
It seems you are heading down the Xfire path..when..?

Pretty soon

Till then saving as much money on mobo as possible

Will buy a Crossfire mobo later when prices comes down
I jump to DX11 when it gets cheap in q4 2010 and when ATI 6xxx series releases in q4 2010
when ATI 6xxx series releases in q4 2010

I don't think they'll release 6xxx that fast. They are yet to rip the benefit from 5xxx. For the time being, TSMC is having problem producing 40nm dies, supplies of 5xxx are limited. mainstream cards are yet to flow in the market and as soon as nVidia pushes their DX11 products ( if at all :p ), they might deliver some really good mid end products like the 4770 in past :)