Monitors monitor/gpu problem :(


my vx2025wm is experiencing a problem. Wonder what's the cause -
1. My Monitor - vx2025wm, or
2. DVI cable, or
3. GPU - 7900 GTO (can't afford that to go kaput :( )

Problem is, sometimes suddenly the monitor goes off during working (light goes out, and it switches from green to off every 2secs, no yellow light)....comp seems to be working properly....
So when i restart the system then, sometimes instead of showing win xp loading screen, again monitor goes blank (in same fashion).....
Problem is usually solved by turning the mains power off and sometimes by changing the cable to another dvi port on gpu...
Any ideas? :huh:
I'll try changing the dvi cable to a vga cable with converter (since i don't have another dvi cable) to make sure its not a cable issue....
Games and everything else seems to be running highest problems as of now.....but this might be silence before the storm....
Another member here had a similar problem. It was a heating issue. He solved it by aiming a table fan at the monitor. You can try it out.