Monitors monitor pixel problem?


Hi, I have a samsung 740N monitor and I have this tiny irritating bumps in/on my monitor! here are some pictures!



youtube link: YouTube - monitor :p :p

when I touch them, they seem like external bumps probably came from mosquitos or some thing.. I did not have them when I bought the monitor and I have tried removing them off with some soft cloth (and applying some pressure) .. no go :mad: . Do I try simply cleaning the monitor with some liquid ? these black things appear when I really focus on that area or - when its a white background..

broar94 said:
Hi, I have a samsung 740N monitor and I have this tiny irritating bumps in/on my monitor! here are some pictures!

RMA the Panel - I am sure it must still be under warranty. I got my 740N panel changed 3 times by Samsung and they asked no questions each time (they have a lot of defective 740N panels they try and palm off during a RMA :( ) I went to the "Samsung Online Call Registration System" page and registered a complaint and the engineer came over with a panel each time.

SAMSUNG's Digital World - Online Call Logging

DONT put any liquid on the panel as it may seep inside in case these are holes.... the only thing the engineer used to check for when he came over was for water marks - he said that they do not replace water damaged panels !!!
Thanks Udit for that! it worked and no more black things on my monitor anymore :D .

Will do that next time eazy if my panel goes defective