Monitors Monitor resolution


Whats the best resolution for 17" widescreen LCD monitor. Problem that i face when using native 1400 x 900 reso. is some of the websites gets distorted, i guess since sites are built for regular monitors having 1024 x 768 reso.

Another problem is text gets too small for my tiny 17" :p, and zooming only increases the problem of mis alignment of website graphics. Currently i am using 1280 x 768 reso which seems to be best trade off between view size and aspect ratio.
if you are using a scroller mouse wht you can do is that you can hold down ctrl + scroll your mouse wheel. in tht way you can increase or decrease your font size of the webpage.
p_sam21 said:
Whats the best resolution for 17" widescreen LCD monitor. Problem that i face when using native 1400 x 900 reso. is some of the websites gets distorted, i guess since sites are built for regular monitors having 1024 x 768 reso.

Another problem is text gets too small for my tiny 17" :p, and zooming only increases the problem of mis alignment of website graphics. Currently i am using 1280 x 768 reso which seems to be best trade off between view size and aspect ratio.

Ok. Couple of things>>

1. ANY resolution other than 1440x900 is plain UGLY for your 17" widescreen. ONLY 1440x900 will look sharp and crisp on your screen.
2. BUT 1440x900 will make your fonts seem small to you (I find it fine, but you might have issues). What can you do?
a. Install Opera (not Firefox, not IE - zooming in with both FF and IE only increases font size NOT images)
b. Use your keyboard's numpad + and - to zoom in and zoom out on pages. It works like a charm, no distortion, nothing.

3. Websites made for 1024x768 are not distorted in any manner by widescreens, they either have a lot of space left blank at the sides (if they are centrally aligned) or have a LOT of blank space in between text (if they are made to stretch).

4. 1280x768 is probably the WORST resolution for you to run your monitor at. Why? It's not native resolution, it's not the right aspect-ratio and it's not a standard resolution for any desktop monitor either.
1. Put resolution at 1440x900. Increase windows font size (if u want to) - right click on Desktop>Properties>Appearance>Font Size
2. Install Opera. Use + and - to zoom in and zoom out.
3. Enjoy


PS: Not exactly couple of things, but am like that wonly. :D
p_sam21 said:
Whats the best resolution for 17" widescreen LCD monitor. Problem that i face when using native 1400 x 900 reso. is some of the websites gets distorted, i guess since sites are built for regular monitors having 1024 x 768 reso.

Another problem is text gets too small for my tiny 17" :p, and zooming only increases the problem of mis alignment of website graphics. Currently i am using 1280 x 768 reso which seems to be best trade off between view size and aspect ratio.
For LCDs, anything other than default res looks ugly. I suggest you use default res and increase DPI settings from Display properties<Settings<Advanced. It will make your text and icons look bigger.

As for webpages, in Firefox settings increase the font size and yes as xcuseme1978 suggested use your mouse wheel to increase/decrease text on the fly.
As for distorted websites, many of them appear broken because they are not optimized for firefox or anyother browsers that your are using. Or may be they are weaved amateurishly. Don't worry too much about them.
AS said above, it doesn't matter for what resolution the site is designed. The worst that could happen is the text getting warped to multiple lines or the need to use horizontal scrollbars. 1440*900 is the best resolution that you should use.

Also, as d_payne said in his post, use opera. IE and FF are no match for the zooming that it offers. Even non-text elements like videos (like youtube ones) and images are resized. If you fing the size too small, hit F11 and view it in fullscreen with zoom.