Monitors Monitor Screen fluctuation in HDMI mode


Secret Agent Man
I have been observing this for quite sometime now. I have both my consoles connected to the my monitor (routed via HDMI hub). Whenever, my washing machine is turned on, the monitor screen goes off for a brief moment and comes on. Same goes for someone ringing a door bell & when I switch the fan off. It's like some load pulls off the power from the monitor. I know this sounds a bit weird, but it's happening. The monitor works fine in DVI mode though.

Any ideas? :S
Nothing so odd about this. This is an interruption in the bitstream caused by electrical interference, usually due to wiring issues or poor design of the hub itself. If it is fine when you don't use a hub, then it's the equipment.

I get this all the time when using digital audio into one specific piece of equipment. In that case it's just a quick pop, but the sync has to be reset to get the signal back.

Some equipment is more vulnerable than others. I would rewire the house if it is too frequent. Usually when the wiring resistance is very high or a ring main is used, propensity to cause voltage dropout is higher. Usually, it's not that big a deal.
Does this have a long term effect on the said device? When it fluctuates, the monitor's brightness level sometimes drops and would reset, if it happens again. I have to ask, why is the issue centered around HDMI output and not DVI? Assuming, the hub not being the culprit in this situation.
I am also facing the same problem. When ever someone just switch ONs a tube light, then also it happens. I don't think we need to be worried by this.
No, there is no long term issue. The monitor has to resync itself after the input basically disappears for th few microseconds of the induced current.

It can be very irritating, or if you work in a professional environment (like video editing, for example) unacceptable. But for homes, you should get by just fine.
I hear the noises when the tubelight in the adjacent room flickers when it is switched on. And this happens only when the speakers are connected to the Maverick DAC through the digital coaxial input from the PC. No issues with screen flickering or the optical input though. Possibly the interference at play here but I wouldn't bother.
I have the same issues when I use mine monitor with my PS3 ,,,the screen flickers and comes back,,,i thought it might me some voltage fluctuation and Bangalore is known for it ,,,,getting a UPS soon because of this reason,,,
Sorry guys to pop up an old thread,,,,but I m facing this flickering issues from the past one week on my Samsung 2233SW monitor,,,I have connected my system and monitor into a Back UPS RS 1100 still there is shaking of the picture on the screen and sometimes the screen goes black but the Blue LED below the LCD is still on...Even if I switch on fan or light in my room the screen goes blank for a second and then it comes back,.,,,this all flickering is random not able to pin point the issue,,,,if it is a power related problem then how come it is still coming though a UPS is present???

I have removed my GPU and connected my monitor directly to the display port of the motherboard....still the problem persists..I have a 580GTX and corsair TX850