Monitors Monitor screen looking weird



I hadn't used my PC for almost 2 months as I was staying elsewhere. Finally when I came back and connected everything back, the colors on the monitor screen is looking wierd, around the corners.

Check out the pic : Click Me

It's been 2-3 days now, yet no difference. Help!
It looks more like electromagetic effect..Try keeping it away (lift it and keep in a stool temporarily) from the computer chassis and the speakers.

See if that works out.
Yea ok thanks. Will try that out.

I think I need to Degauss it. But I've a Samsung SyncMaster 793s. And I don't see any option to Degauss. :(
Check if your monitor RGB cable is twisted or if there's something pulling at it or sitting on it. It's unlikely though that it could be a cable problem. Cable problems usually affect the overall colour.
I think this also happens due to the formation of moisture inside the monitor cabby (since u have not been using it for some time). just keep the monitor on maybe when the moisture evaporates it might get ok. correct me if i am wrong.

otherwise other solution is take a magnet and run it on the surface of the screen this an alternate to degausing. it works (at least for me it did).
that effect is due to very strong magnetic interference - most probably from the speakers near your monitor.

try taking a magnet near your tv screen when its on and see what happens to the picture!!

793s has an option to degauss in the menu. maybe u overlooked it.
Ok, i just found the degauss option. But it makes no difference. :(

About using a magnet, is it really advisable? Coz I just read an article. Read the 3rd warning. Its says "Never use a magnet to degauss your screen. This will most likely ruin it forever, due to the continuous polarity of a normal magnet. The soldering gun method works, due to the rapidly changing polarity of the magnetic field.".

Since I'm using the PC now, I havn't tried unplugging the monitor yet.

@sunilyo, the monitor has been on for the past 2 days.
Nikky, try the soldering gun. The same thing has happened to my friend's monitor twice, and it got fixed both times by just pointing the gun towards the screen for a second or so.
umm....Maybe you should get it checked before doing that. I think it should be the moisture issue since its been 2 months. Did you try putting it in a different room?
Degaussing didn't work. Tried it a few times. And yes, I also tried isolating the monitor. Currently searching for a solder gun in my neighbourhood. ^^