Monitors Monitor sharing


I have two systems.

I need to share 1 single monitor between the two, coz one system is totally used only for downloading 24x7.

KB/Mouse is separate for both, so no issues for sharing.
** While using my regular machine, simultaneously i'll keep a check on the d'loding machine wihout disrupting any of the two, XCEPT switching for the displays.
** Both systems have Geforce 6 series Pci-Ex gfx cards.
So, friends what cud b idle solution for this!
Buy a KVM Switch u can use the same keyboard & mouse for two machine,
by just push of a button u can toggle between both machine [best solution]

DealExtreme: $10.79 2 Port Automatic KVM Switch (Black)
The above one u can get anywhere at lammy road last time i asked for one it was around 500 rs. iirc...........

U even get only display switch check ask for it at any lammy shop they will have one..........
I share my monitor with two systems, one on DVI and the other on VGA. A switch on the monitor allows fast switching between the two.

If your monitor has only one input, then you need a KVM like the one above.
Yes as Sangram posted if you have a LCD with both DVI and VGA inputs you can connect both to one system and switch signals on the monitor to work with both systems rather than getting a KVM switch