Monitors Monitor with multiple connectivity ports


4 seconds, inhale; 4 seconds, exhale.
Hello !

i have been using benq's G2420HD monitor for more than an year, and this happens to be an absolute VFM monitor as most of you might be knowing, but off-late, i have started severely feeling the need of multiple HDMI ports. hence thinking of selling off this one and to get a new monitor of size 24" or larger. following are my requirements :

1. size - 24" or larger.

2. need - 2 or more HDMI inputs (a few USB ports thrown in would be nice too, but not necessary)

3. usage - PC/gaming/movies.

4. budget - would like to spend 10-15k, and can stretch if deal's absolutely worth it !

5. type - LED-LCD preferred over just LED (though i think i wont get an LED backlit monitor with multiple ports at that budget).

the first monitor that came to my mind was benq's own E2420HD. please suggest some others, keeping in mind the above points. if you need clarification on some point, feel free to ask.

thanks in advance !