Monitors monitors not working fine with my new system


I had my old monitor (Samung Samtron 55V 15"), keyboard, mouse, speakers etc., brought new sys as foll:

E6750 + DG33FB = 14k
Seagate 250 GB Sata2 = INR 2850
Transcend 1 GB - 800Mhz = 2k
Cabby iBall 522i (400W) = INR 1350
Sony 20x DVD-RW = INR 1550

now, the prob is tht, whn i turn on my PC for the first time in a day, my monitor makes hissing sound and little dull graphics for say arnd 15-20 mins, n thn works fine widout any sound,

i thot, the prob wud be in my monitor, so brought my friends monitor (samtel 14") and his monitor started making cracking noises.....i tried restarting my pc...but every time it made those cracking noises....

so, prob is not in my monitor.....but whrs the prob ??

i guess, sum1 had sum similar type of prob which occured only when system is started after long break, and act normally after sum time......maybe he too was havin DG33FB.....

newayz....any1 wid any ideas/suggestions ?

plz help.........i dont wanna blast my monitor !!
Hi, i will answer ur PM also here. Yes my problem is solved with that board.
Actually my cousin bought a stupid table in which the cabinet gets covered from almost everywhere leaving no air to pass thru it in a fine manner. So, i just kept the cabinet outside and since 2 days its not giving that problem. But i fail to understand why it works normal even when its kept there (after hanging only once in the beginning). So not sure if it was heating issue.

One more thing i did was, removed the norton antivirus from it and installed AVG, since norton bugs too much if not updated frequently. This might be the problem.

In your problem, does it work absolutely normal after that initial problem? I didnt had any issue with connecting the LCD. Try installing the latest drivers for ur monitor. And cracking noises? Man, it does sound like a serious problem. Make sure u r not doing anything wrong. And DG33FB is a nice board and ur config rocks.

And for that audio problem, check this thread.

Let us know what u doing to solve this problem. :)
Goodluck :clap:
hunter said:
Hi, i will answer ur PM also here. Yes my problem is solved with that board.
Actually my cousin bought a stupid table in which the cabinet gets covered from almost everywhere leaving no air to pass thru it in a fine manner. So, i just kept the cabinet outside and since 2 days its not giving that problem. But i fail to understand why it works normal even when its kept there (after hanging only once in the beginning). So not sure if it was heating issue.

One more thing i did was, removed the norton antivirus from it and installed AVG, since norton bugs too much if not updated frequently. This might be the problem.

In your problem, does it work absolutely normal after that initial problem? I didnt had any issue with connecting the LCD. Try installing the latest drivers for ur monitor. And cracking noises? Man, it does sound like a serious problem. Make sure u r not doing anything wrong. And DG33FB is a nice board and ur config rocks.

And for that audio problem, check this thread.

Let us know what u doing to solve this problem. :)
Goodluck :clap:

thx for ur reply, but,
first of all, i dont have any Audio problem, audio is simply working fine.

I hav kept my cabby on the top of my table, nice airflow

I dont hav any antivirus installed right now since i build my pc

so, as TheIndian said "Heat, it has to be heat, apply heat, things get warmed up and then its all ok".......tht seems to make some sense.....

btw, my monitor makes hissing/frying noises......n those cracking noises were on my frnds monitor......juz for monitor is not an issue !!

so, finally......any solns ??
Can u do this...go to ur "graphics media accelerator", then click the "information" tab, and save that file and share it here.
Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Report
Report Date: 09/29/2007
Report Time[hr:mm:ss]: 11:41:05
Driver Version:
Operating System: Windows XP* Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600)
Default Language: English
DirectX* Version: 9.0
Physical Memory: 1004 MB
Minimum Graphics Memory: 8 MB
Maximum Graphics Memory: 128 MB
Graphics Memory in Use: 9 MB
Processor: x86 family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11
Processor Speed: 2666 MHZ
Vendor ID: 8086
Device ID: 29C2
Device Revision: 02
* Accelerator Information *

Accelerator in Use: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
Video BIOS: 1471
Current Graphics Mode: 1024 by 768 True Color (60 Hz)

* Devices Connected to the Graphics Accelerator *
Active Monitors: 1
* Monitor *

Monitor Name: Plug and Play Monitor
Display Type: Analog
Gamma Value: 2.11
DDC2 Protocol: Supported
Maximum Image Size: Horizontal: 11.0 inches
Vertical: 8.0 inches
Monitor Supported Modes:
640 by 480 (60 Hz)
640 by 480 (67 Hz)
640 by 480 (72 Hz)
640 by 480 (75 Hz)
640 by 480 (85 Hz)
720 by 400 (70 Hz)
720 by 400 (88 Hz)
800 by 600 (56 Hz)
800 by 600 (60 Hz)
800 by 600 (72 Hz)
800 by 600 (75 Hz)
800 by 600 (85 Hz)
832 by 624 (75 Hz)
1024 by 768 (60 Hz)
1024 by 768 (60 Hz)
1024 by 768 (87 Hz)
Display Power Management Support:
Standby Mode: Supported
Suspend Mode: Supported
Active Off Mode: Supported

* Other names and brands are the property of their respective owners.
That matches with mine. Lets wait for some senior member to reply here.

Anyways, i was just googling and found this...

Turn the monitor on and give it 10 seconds to warm up. A CRT monitor should make a degauss noise when you turn it on, which sounds similar to the noise a TV makes you first turn it on (a flat-panel monitor does not make this noise). Letting the monitor warm up will ensure you see as much as possible when you turn on the computer

Located here Build A PC - First Boot