More free offers: Get antivirus and firewall softwares for free upto one year


More free offers from Microsoft,

Try the various (3rd party) antivirus and firewall applications for free (90 days to one year offer)

PS: Don't forget to send a thank u note to uncle Gates for his generosity :D

Download antivirus software, firewalls, spyware removal tools, and more to improve the security of your computer and to help keep it running smoothly.

Get special offers from the following software companies for antivirus and firewall packages.

Click on the links for the free offers. :DEnjoy. :D

•Computer Associates

12-month free trial


6-month free trial


90-day free trial

•Panda Software

90-day free trial


90-day free trial

•Trend Micro

90-day free trial

Important: Please uninstall any antivirus software you are currently using before installing a new product; having two different programs might cause problems on your computer.