PC Peripherals Mouse slows down all of a sudden. Cordless MX 700.


Well, I keep working and the mouse is fine. I have set the mouse to max speed and max acceleration.

Suddenly, the mouse slows down in Windows. If I open some program like FF, WMP, foobar, whatever, it works perfectly. If I close all that, then it again slows down.

Even with these programs running if I click on START, then it slows down again.

It is damn irritating. The only solution is to log out of my account and log in and this is SO damn irritating because most of the time I am downloading and I hate to stop that.

I have even uninstalled the old Mouseware software and reinstalled the latest version. But the problem continues.

There is no fixed time at which this happens. Sometimes I can work on the comp for hours togther without this problem. Sometimes it happens just 2-3 hrs into the session.

And whenever I open RTHDRIBL, it works slowly. Even if in all other applications it is fine. It would be fine even in normal windows applications like browsing folders etc, but when I open RTHDRIBL, it slows down. If I close RTHDRIBL, then the mouse is back to normal. This problem is not as irritating.
Low batteries?

Try reinstalling the motherboard drivers, my mouse used to go in slow-mo back when I used to play Quake 2 and installing the latest 4in1 drivers fixed it then.
hmmm will try that tomorrow.... Installing the 4 in 1 Hyperion drivers right??

Will do that tomorrow for sure....but I dont think that is the solution as I reinstalled it just recently because USB ports were not working.... since I reinstalled the drivers, they started working fine.

And this problem happens even if I connect the USB to the PS/2 port using that convertor
uninstall the logitech driver & see if problem stays.

if problem vanishes download the latest drivers & try.

i had the same problem with my old cordless mouse.
bumping this thread with some more info...

This problem has not been solved..... But what I have noticed is that this happens when I open a lot of video files in WMP 10.

Like if I am on a video watching spree, then obviously, I open a lot of video files. I open one file, watch the video, the close it and ioen the next video and so on....

Not only videos....same thing even with audio files.

After a certain number of times of opening WMP 10, I close it and come back to Windows Explorer and damn!!! my mouse is slow again..... the only solution with which I have been living with for the past 3 months is to log off and the log back in......

Should I reinstall WMP ???
Damn....it happened again..... I watched a few videos, and now I have to cover more area on the mouse pad to move the same distance as before....

need to log off and log in again
Connect the mouse to another USB port - this way the Mouse will use a different IRQ and that may cure its problem - to see the IRQ's go to Device Manager and on Menu on top select View\Resources by Type\IRQ

I dont know if your MoBo has an option in the BIOS to select ACPI 2.0 support - if this is there then select it as it makes more IRQs available to XP. I am not sure but check if you need to reinstall XP for this change in the BIOS for ACPI 2.0.

When it happened, I changed the USB ports....didnt work at all....

It said "detecting new hardware" and then said "There was a problem installing your new hardware".

So, I plugged it back into the original USB port and it started working again. Of course not at usual speed..... It is still slow.

SO, I need to log off and log in again
Nothing Happens Uninstal Your Mousen Drivers And Download New Version From Net.....
Did that first thing....but it still did not work.

@Bottle ---- Nex time this happens, I think I will reconnect it to a diufferent USB port. I hope that will work.