mp3 resizer

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i need a fully free software to reduce the size of mp3 songs so that i can store more songs in my mobile. plz suggest some free softwares. i saw softwares like mp3resizer but not free..

You reduce the size of an mp3 song by reducing the bit rate. Reducing bit rate will reduce the quality as well. If that is fine with you then you can use open source program Audacity. This is actually a full fledged audio editor, but it will serve your purpose. You may have to download lame mp3 encoder, a freeware, also.

dbpowerAmp is another good converter software.
if u have nokia, then use their PC suite, it will convert to AAC and reduces the file size automatically.
Use MediaCoder, really small software, then use the batch encoding in that. You will have to enter the settings though, and this involves specifying the bit rate and the container. The container is the format, which is mp3 and the bitrate can by The process is called transcoding. 64, 80 or 90 are common low bit-rates, you can even go for a 32, which is really bad quality. Just go for a higher capacity memory, because this is seriously not too much fun.
use switch from nch softwares free and easy to use just choose the bitrate and you are good to go
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