MPAA and RIAA Thwart CD/DVD Replication Plant


<font color="#FF0000">The Southern California High Tech Task Force, aided by the MPAA and RIAA, raided a large-scale CD/DVD replication plant. However, the replication plant in question is fighting back.</font>

The MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) continues its pursuit of physical piracy in California, this time in conjunction with the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America.) The MPAA and RIAA assisted the Southern California High Tech Task Force with technical information in the temporary shut down of New Century Media Corporation.

According to the joint MPAA and RIAA press release, the raid yielded a substantial amount of pirated material - 30 million dollars worth of stampers and DVDs to be exact. The MPAA and RIAA were tipped off to New Century Media from a previous raid that contained DVDs from his manufacturer. The raid, conducted on June 15, resulted in the temporary shut down of this facility.

"These sophisticated replicators have the potential to churn out one counterfeit disc every three seconds. The raid on New Century Media Corporation sends a clear message to movie pirates that these illegal activities are not invisible and they do have consequences," said John Malcolm, Senior Vice President and Director, Worldwide Anti-Piracy Operations, MPAA. "The MPAA appreciates the efforts of the Southern California High Tech Task Force in bringing down this illegal operation."

While many might be quick to lump New Century Media into the same category as the hordes of other CD/DVD duplicators, this company appears to be a legitimate firm. New Century Media has a public, widely advertised center of operation in City of Industry, California, with an accompanying website designed to promote their services. According to the company’s website, New Century Media was founded by Carson and Jennifer Yu in 1989.

In addition to its apparent legitimacy, New Century Media has publicly responded to the MPAA/RIAA raid - something virtually no other CD/DVD replication plant has done.

In a press release issued by New Century Media, the CD/DVD replication firm categorically denied all allegations made in the MPAA/RIAA press release.

“We fully cooperated with this investigation because we are a legitimate business that is not involved in any illegal actions," said Jennifer Yu. "The MPAA release falsely claimed that the 'High Tech Task Force stamped out an illegal DVD/CD replicating plant.' This is categorically not true. Our business is to duplicate material for customers who own the copyright and material that is in the public domain. By these false allegations, the MPAA has slandered our name and reputation and damaged the business that my husband and I spent 14 years to build," Yu stated.

Jennifer Yu also disputed the MPAA/RIAA claim that New Century Media is an illegal replication facility.

“New Century Media Corporation is NOT an illegal DVD/CD replicating plant as cited in the release headline. It has been in business since 1989 and reproduces thousands of titles per year. It operates 24/7 with a daily capacity of 80,000 DVDs. DVDs taken by the Task Force represent LESS than 1/10th of 1% (0.058%) of annual production.â€

The company also disputes the MPAA/RIAA claim that the facility was “closed.†According to Jennifer Yu, this is a continuation of “false allegationsâ€, as the plant was operational even after the raid.

“New Century Media Corporation was NOT closed down as stated in the MPAA release and again in a quote from Senior Vice President John Malcolm. The High Tech Task Force permitted production to start again immediately.â€

New Century Media’s Jennifer Yu also disputes other key points from the MPAA press release, including the claim that 30 million dollars worth of DVDs were confiscated. Ms. Yu contends the total financial reaping was more along the lines of $10,000. Which side is being truthful in this matter is unclear, as both entities have very polarized viewpoints on how events unfolded June 15th. spoke with the MPAA's public relations, who issued the following additional information. Because this is a criminal investigation, information available is limited.

"The Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. today provided additional information on the raid by the Southern California High Tech Task Force of New Century Media in the City of Industry, California, reported by it yesterday. MPAA understands that New Century Media reopened following the completion of the raid on June 15 and remains open for business."

"The $30 million estimated loss figure associated with this raid, provided in MPAA's June 20 press release, represents an estimate of the value of the DVDs seized during that raid and the value of the pirated DVDs that could be produced using the DVD stampers seized by law enforcement authorities during the raid."

You can read the MPAA's press release here.
