MTNL (Mumbai) usage not being recorded ...


... since 28th night ? Total usage not showing yest & today's usage. Last day of the month, wanted to check my usage.

Willing to gamble ?

btw : some one please confirm.
As of now, June 2nd 9.25am, usage for May is showing usage only upto 28th May.

In fact, yesterdays usage is not recorded for June, so far at least.
^^ :rofl: your Usage is not getting recorded.. So you should contact them to avoid overdose of bills :bleh:
Update -

Asked one friend from Mumbai.. Usage is not being recorded.. Most probably problem with there server.. Enjoy Downloading :D [On your own responsibility :| ]
Ah Hah! So it's not just me who is facing this issue.I called up MTNL's 'non-exitent' CC yesterday & they said from their side as well the same thing was popping up.I had gone over my cap usage for last month so was very curious to know the exceeded amount but the darn thing has got stuck.If that downloaded data didn't count the lucky me.:hap2:

People who are thinking it's happy hours & start downloading, think twice before doing it.Might just get counted later on.;)
Usage for June now show usage from today only, ie. usage from 1st to yest not recorded. Hope it stays that way.

The option to view last months usage is no longer available at the MTNL site ! So don't know if usage for 29th & 30th May has been recorded. Slight tension.
maybe this is the reason why they are throttling the NU connections in the night. Speeds were awful in the last few days. Hopefully, everything will go back to normal tonight (am downloading Shaun The Sheep's episodes !)