Monitors multi-monitor systems

Can anyone give an idea on how to setup multi-monitor sys?

What things I need and the round about cost of each?

From surfing I learnt that matrox g450 mms can be used to deal with 4 analog/digital monitor.

Can anyone how to setup and what do i need?

Currently I have machine with intel MotherBoard ( DG 965RY ) and a dell 21 inch monitor attached to it. I will get another monitor soon, so need some help for setting up multi-monitors..

Std Gfx card can easily handle 2 monitor. Matrox cards are reqd only if u plan to go for a setup of 4 or more like

1 2

3 4

Std gfx card can give you either

1 2




(Nos. depict monitor no.)

If you get multiple monitors, try to get the same models as the previous ones, else u will find difficulty in working.
If u just want to clone, then any gfx card wud do. All u'll b needing is an el-cheapo VGA splitter @ Rs.450/-. If u wanna span then u'll need a display card/cards which have multiple display outs...almost all current cards support a minimum of 2 displays. If u need to hook up more than 2 monitors, u'll need a special setup, or, as mentioned, if u only need to clone the desktop, u can get VGA splitters supporting upto 4-8 units easily.
I have a EVGA 8600 256 MB . Its on 22 inch LCD now , can it take 2nd LCD with eaze ?

If I add one more 8600 512 or 256 MB card along with existing one , can I run 2 more monitors on the second card ,so a total of 4 LCDs on 2 cards ? , is this possible ?