Must have Multiplayer games?


Hey guys,

I am kind of tired with playing single player games with disappointing multiplayer. Wanted to buy some new games(FPS and/or Racing) where multiplayer is really good.

Please suggest games that have a good following as of now and have Indian servers possibly(i think that makes a difference right?).

I am to buy Team Fortress 2 soon (Orange Box). What about GRID?

Please suggest any other games. Thanks.
Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead - they're all about team work, there is no one man army.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Call Of Duty 4, and of course the ever present CS 1.6/Source and Dota - Its either team work or being a one man army.


If anyone's wondering who the heck is this guy, I come from chip/tech2 forums.
try Dirt 2 also that also has a good multiplayer.............. Even Split second had a good multiplayer in it.........

in FPS......... i like TF2, COD4 and 5, BFBC2............Cooperative mod Left for Dead 2, Borderlands etc......... Even COD6 had a very good multiplayer in it, but IW screwed it by not giving LAN support offline........

Next month Medal of Honour is releasing will wait and see how multiplayer goes in it in india.......... will be waiting for COD7 too........
Bad Company 2

Team Fortress.


I can't say cod4 is a must have because i didn't like it much. But Bad Company 2 and Team Fortress 2 are must haves.
Latest games -> Older games : Formula One 2010 (maybe), BFBC2, Dirt 2 (maybe), Racedriver GRID, TF2, Cs, dota. Others: L4D2 (foreign steam servers may be laggy, best played amongst friends), GTA4
Starcraft 2, though not released in India can be bought as a digital download online. Specially the SEA ver. Can play on both SEA and US servers..
Thanks guys! Bought the Orange box today! Will go through the grusome(apparently) installation later.

Two questions:

Does TF2 have indian servers??

Does GRID still have lots of ppl playing online? Again any idea about indian servers?
i can recommend shooters cause i've played most a lot.

BC2, TF2, CSS and COD 4 (COD4 ain't too great acc to me, very unrealistic). UT 3 MP is also FAAKing awesome but sad thing is no good pinged servers :)

If you will get ONE game, that has to be Bad Company 2 without any thoughts ^^
plasma said:
Thanks guys! Bought the Orange box today! Will go through the grusome(apparently) installation later.

Two questions:

Does TF2 have indian servers??

Does GRID still have lots of ppl playing online? Again any idea about indian servers?
No Indian servers for TF2 at the moment. But there are around 9 Starhub servers (Singapore). You can comfortably play TF2 if your ping is <150. So, no issues there.
flyingAnt said:
Bad Company 2 and Team Fortress 2 are must haves
Dude you dug up an old thread. Unfortunately, even after so many months, that is still the answer, except TF2 is ruined now. So that just leaves BC2, atleast till BF3 is out.
looks like everybody forgot my favorite games - Age Of Empire2 - Conc Edition - real good to play as multilayer and Diablo2. take low capability civilization and play with 3-4 hardest strong that is hell kind of game :)