MVGroup - AWESOME Site!


Don't know if its allowed to post this here but...

Some of u might know about MVGroup,for the others:

Since its formation in October of 2002, the MVGroup has carved a nice niche for its self in the file sharing world. While some groups specialize in Hollywood blockbusters or pop albums, they instead provide downloaders with high quality documentaries and other educational videos.

The MVGroup releases files on a variety of networks, such as eDonkey2000, BitTorrent, and most recently on Usenet. From its humble beginnings on File Nexus, the group has expanded to it having its very own home on the web, and releases numbering in the hundreds. The group experienced rejuvenation by utilizing the ever advancing BitTorrent technology. BitTorrent has extended the group's high quality releases to a whole new group of users.

As for the Admin’s motives for the site and group, one said “There is a lot of crap on the Internet, we simply want to spend our time and effort releasing things of some merit...and we all seem to be in the niche of liking docs about most any subject.”

Another said, “what are we trying to achieve, well it isn't notoriety, it isn't fame, it isn't anything other than a sincere desire to make sure that as many people as possible have their horizons broadened by the quality material that we release.”

Since most of there releases are BBC documentary's the group is not real worried about authorities at this point. “I hope that they will not come after us, due to the purely educational nature of the site,” said one group member on the matter.

MVGroup’s forums boast nearly 20,000 members and are very active. Beyond the groups official releases there is an area of the boards for forum members to post there own links. MVGroup is the only group that has showed a dedicated effort to release videos of an educational nature. Hopefully they will continue to do so in the future as the loss of MVGroup would be a real loss to the whole file sharing community.

Another great thing about them is,there r no U/D ratio/client restrictions.They trust in the users to contribute as much as possible by them. :cool2:

