My experience of buying CSS Pack


Staff member
Super Mod
So I decided to get online today :gunsmile: Somehow conviced my lazy soul to get ready and get CSS pack. Drove all the way to THE shop. Yes the only shop in entire city which keeps original software.
OUT OF STOCK. :bomb: Will be in stock within a week.
My desire of playing CSS and owning you all got nipped in the bud. There is no way that I am going to buy that POS after a week.

Temme how long will it take to download the whole thing if I buy it off steam. Will I be able to backup the whole installation so that I can format and reinstall later.
Renegade said:
So I decided to get online today :gunsmile: Somehow conviced my lazy soul to get ready and get CSS pack. Drove all the way to THE shop. Yes the only shop in entire city which keeps original software.
OUT OF STOCK. :bomb: Will be in stock within a week.
My desire of playing CSS and owning you all got nipped in the bud. There is no way that I am going to buy that POS after a week.

Temme how long will it take to download the whole thing if I buy it off steam. Will I be able to backup the whole installation so that I can format and reinstall later.

lazy fellow, ask switch to get it for u, hes going to nehru place tommorow na am sure he'll be able to find one there...
I dont want to trouble anyone. So.. are the other games worth anything. I mean do you guys even play them.. are they worth playing. The DOD and DM
Renegade said:
I dont want to trouble anyone. So.. are the other games worth anything. I mean do you guys even play them.. are they worth playing. The DOD and DM

DOD is, DM is not..... and wait till switch reads this :p
Rave said:
DOD is, DM is not..... and wait till switch reads this :p
:ashamed: I did not mean it that way sucka. Ill talk to him anyway but I have asked for too many favors from him already.
Renegade said:
:ashamed: I did not mean it that way sucka. Ill talk to him anyway but I have asked for too many favors from him already.

hehe we all are part of that club... :p

now stfu, get css and play, where as i have to look for a new isp :O
Itll take you about 4 days continuosly on a 256kbps connection to download it.

DOD S and HL2 DM arent worth it. But rather buy the retail pack. As online, Steam sells only CSS for 19.99 while here, you get css + hl2 dm + dod s for Rs.900
hehe you would have sent me your own copy.. as much as I would like to see you in IIMs, I dont want to deprive you of CSS.
now renegae will come on te server in the notion of owning every1 and will bump into a tmg player :rofl: and there he will put up another thread "got up , got ready , got tmg'ed" :p :D
V!RU$ said:
now renegae will come on te server in the notion of owning every1 and will bump into a tmg player :rofl: and there he will put up another thread "got up , got ready , got tmg'ed" :p :D
:bleh: I am not a gamer.. just here for fun and I dont want to see you on the servers.
As it is I a getting wonderful fps on my 256ram. dunno when the $#@^ will my ram arrive. Feel like #$@%^^%^ that person. I was getting 12fps on 1024X768 trilinear and everything maxed. then on 800 bilinear ad everything minimum I got 20. :rofl: But hey everything was still looking decent.
yelloz , just got back frm london , ole annesh dont lisen to the goldieshag , i can concentrate on my studies and ive got top grades along with gaming , just that ive seen the top level of gaming and it aint good enuf and all the effort doesnt really count , i rather concentrate that energy on a few senioritas and football matches eh :p i love playing games so what are the consoles for ? my nephew who is 10 year olds always boasts about being god in pro evo :mad: ill show him :mad: Grrr , in ps2 , let the ps3 come out im gona practice and show him MUAHAHAH :mad:

i come to te coz of the joke section , it roxxor , good job guys...

EDIT : also gaming is competitive and includes lot of MIND)(*%$&U people , ive had enuf of them for 2 years now i concentrate on MIND(*)^£$^king my dad to buy me a ps3 , any suggetions ? coz when i suggest that he will dis own me but oh well :(
deejay won the battle for TE "without firing a shot" !!!:clap:
Winning the hearts and minds of the enemy is the essence of true victory.;)
Jokes and sarcasm apart

Frankly my intention was to make the kids of TMG realise that we oldies are not so bad after all. plus i wanted to divert the youthful exuberence and energy of the kids from tmg towards more fruitful purpose. if you recollect, earlier the tmg kids were very aggresive in their tone in all their posts. a couple of them were even banned for a few hours ...:no: but now i see that the kids have become sober and quite responsible:bleh: :cool2:

from sworn enemies we have progressed to where atleast we can sit and talk things out.

@ aditya, can you arrange a meet of tmg members who are currently in mumbai (urself, virus etc....) and TE members. my offer of coffee at TAJ still stands.:eek:hyeah: