My first gaming mouse:)


Just bought me a Razer Death Adder:eek:hyeah:This is my first gaming mouse and I must say it is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEHEEET!!!...
A few pics-(Sorry for bad quality:p)

I've just started playing Mafia 2 with it and the performance is amazing!,even otherwise this mouse is still worth buying just for the looks.!...Seriously all I've been doing is staring at it all day.
Razer has done such a sweet job,everything from the packaging to the control panel sofware.After this I'm wishing I could buy a whole rig made by Razer.Razer rulez!!!:)
:gunsmile::gun2:CONGO !! Get Fraggin' :gunsmile::gun2:

Is that a soft surface or a hard surface ...a ranto pad costs like 250 odd u could have gotten that , saw that it golchha some time back ...
l33t said:
:gunsmile::gun2:CONGO !! Get Fraggin' :gunsmile::gun2:

Is that a soft surface or a hard surface ...a ranto pad costs like 250 odd u could have gotten that , saw that it golchha some time back ...

Thanks again...:)It's a soft surface from an arbid chinese brand(XIXI or something).I had no idea that rantopads were that cheap...I asked for Roccat and Steelseries.The SS range started at 549 bucks so I thought I'll just buy a cheap one.I'll prolly buy a good surface next month...and next time I'll go prepared with suggestions.