my first rig..please advice...:)

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Hi guys,

I am planning to buy a new rig and my budget is 25k-30k max.(excluding monitor and speakers).

please advice me if my configuration is suitable.

I will be using my PC for:
1. casual gaming;games like GTA, fifa2010.
3.downloading(4 hours max.)
4.desktop processing

My configuration is
Processor: Intel Core i3 540 @7.2k
Motherboard: Intel DH55TC @5.2k
Memory: Kingston 800Mhz (2*2GB) @5.4k
Display Card: NVIDIA 9600 GT XFX 1GB @5.3k
PSU : Cooler Master 460W @2.7k
Hard Disk: 500GB Western Digital SATA @2.2k
Cabinet: Cooler Master Elite 330 @2.3k

Now my total budget is around 30k.

Are my components compatible and please advice me if there are any alternatives where I can save a few bucks to upgrade my Processor?
spattar said:
Memory: Kingston 800Mhz (2*2GB) @5.4k

^Thats the rate for Kingston DDR3 1333Mhz (2*2GB) Chips..So upgrade ur RAMS :)

Edit: I believe this is your first post...plz read the rules first and introduce yourself in the appropriate section, thx.
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