Monitors My gfx card enough for LCD??


finally decided to dump my old crt (which btw has been tortured for 6 years :p) and get a LCD panel. as a first time buyer, ive been through a lot of thread in TE and elsewhere. ive decided to chose from these 3 panels :

1. Samsung 740N
2. LG L1720B
3. Samsung 940BW - this depends entirely on my dad. if he likes it i get it :p

now i have figured out that lcd's have a "native resolution" and running it in a different resoultion makes it look bad. My question is

1. will my poor 9800pro be able to handle the default res of the 17" panels (1280*1024)? i cannot seriously think of the 19" panel right now cause my graphics card sux :(

2. i dont game much, and even if i do, its old games like CS 1.6, quake 3 , WC3 etc. how bad will the image quality be if i run it at say 800*600? will it be tolerable?

Any help appreciated. if it suites my need, ill be getting it on monday :) thanks...
but doesnt that affect performance... doesnt this mean. .that after sometime yo need to get another card just to be able to run your lcd at its native resolution??? resulting in higher costs...
All of those games will run at native res on a 9800 pro . Duh I played WC3 on 1600x1200 on a 9800 without issues .

oh didnt know that!! so should be fine for the 17" i guess. anyway, i dont plan to play games after college reopens. maybe the occassional CS or quake.

@chic_magnet, we have to keep upgrading even otherwise. i plan to upgrade to a conroe based system after vista comes out. so guess i can stick with my current system for a year or so...

and guys, how bad is it playing in a resoultion other than the native res? i play CS at 800*600. would be very helpful if someone can post a sreenshot showing the difference. thanks
940BW is not ultra high resolution monitor. It will be great coupled with 9800pro.

Remember its widescreen so it does not have as high resolution as conventional 19" LCD monitor.
All the games that you play will run perfectly on ur rig as 9800 pro will easily handle those games at its native res. provided you have around 512mb ram.
Funky said:
940BW is not ultra high resolution monitor. It will be great coupled with 9800pro.
Remember its widescreen so it does not have as high resolution as conventional 19" LCD monitor.

Regular 19" LCD's have a res of 1280X1024 Funky, the 940BW can do 1440X900. The graphics horsepower required to run both is roughly the same. The games u mentioned will work fine i guess but any newer games definitely wont.
Regular 19" LCD's have a res of 1280X1024 Funky, the 940BW can do 1440X900. The graphics horsepower required to run both is roughly the same. The games u mentioned will work fine i guess but any newer games definitely wont.

hmm i guess that shouldnt be a problem. I will have my old CRT around anyway. So if i need to play newer games, ill switch over to that :)

the main reason i want to go for the 19" panel is that ill be having it for at least 3 years. By that time, i would have upgraded to a better setup. Also since it supports HDCP, would be an added advantage when vista comes out. 17k would be a small premium to pay for such a nice panel