My Latest Creation

After much appreciation from everybody over here, i have gone ahead and created another car. This time it is a 'Mercedes Benz SLR 722' . The image has been made in Adobe Photoshop CS3 with 388 Layers being made over a period of 13 hours.

I hope you like this too.


Feel free to leave any comments.

You can also view it over here as well -

Mercedes Benz SLR by ~rahulduggal on deviantART
Thats a gr8 creation , i still dont know how ppl create such detailed images.

Do u guys use digital tablets and pens or u created that with a mouse.
Many thanks to everybody for their support & appreciation of my work.

Quad Master : This & all my other images have been made in Adobe Photoshop CS3 with just a mouse & Keyboard.

Though i do plan to get a Tablet in future when i start making images Professionally .

Dark Star : I am still very new to photoshop as its been only a month since ive started to learn it. But as i get more and more comfortable with the software , im sure that i will write a tutorial on how use photoshop.

G@d of w@r : Here is the wallpaper that you requested

Except for few brushes and background I couldn't figure out what he has done ? The car posted above is the same except few white strokes at the bumpers ? Don't tell me you created it from scratch ?

if it isn't from Scratch I can do the same in GIMP :p
Thanks man.. looks sexy.. cant post screenie of desktop as loads of icons there :eek:hyeah:

rahulduggal said:
Many thanks to everybody for their support & appreciation of my work.

Quad Master : This & all my other images have been made in Adobe Photoshop CS3 with just a mouse & Keyboard.

Though i do plan to get a Tablet in future when i start making images Professionally .

Dark Star : I am still very new to photoshop as its been only a month since ive started to learn it. But as i get more and more comfortable with the software , im sure that i will write a tutorial on how use photoshop.

G@d of w@r : Here is the wallpaper that you requested

Dark Star said:
Except for few brushes and background I couldn't figure out what he has done ? The car posted above is the same except few white strokes at the bumpers ? Don't tell me you created it from scratch ?

Exactly what i was thinking.:p
I created this from a scratch ........ Here let me show you how this is made









Actually its a not so simple process to make these images. you need to have a steady hand & lots of patience as you will be actually DRAWING this image layer by layer ( or stroke by stroke in the laymans terms).

BTW : Its true , im just a month old to Photoshop & from 2nd December i shall be moving on to Autodesk Max . Hopefully i will excel making 3D renders as well.
G@d of w@r said:
this is the original!!

amazing work man..

dude, rahul...

I appreciate ur Smooth work man...


When u say u build from scratch by Drawing it Stroke by a Pen & Tablet?

Ok so the Image posted by GOD of WAR is UR creation, Right?

The Sample of Process u showed seemed like Using Magic Wand [:p]

Kindly Clarify my questions...
Sato : as i have clarified earlier , the image is made using only a mouse and a keyboard. The image posted by God of War is the reference image i used to create this image. That image, if you look closely is a real life picture with a man actually driving that car. while my picture is just a very close drawing of that very same picture.

My work is 100% vector , which means that it can be scaled up or down to any size without any loss of quality.
FYI Guys, this is akin to using Illustrator as Vector Art and is made using the pen tool (not pen and tablet) and then using gradient fills for the vector shapes and using outlines for the highlights.

Whilst there is no doubt that this is awesome work and fantastic for a newbie in photoshop, my guess is that the original was used as a layer underneath to trace vector shapes from and is not terribly difficult for a pro. That said....

Really nice work congrats... ;) a very good effort

but I would suggest that you would have better success with this type of work in Illustrator or Freehand because these programs were designed for just this type of work.