My New iPhone v1.1.1 - 8G


Its a virgin v1.1.1 iPhone (from US). Hacked it a couple of days ago. I used Touchfree, Winscp and Anysim in the process (please don't ask me how i did it, google for it)

Posting some pics ---

1. iPhone on Hutch - Vodafone (check out the time - it started the previous night) --> image
2. Screenshot of the iPhone version number --> image
3. Various networks (in Bangalore) --> image
4. I have used the theme 'UnL0CkER' from SummerBoard --> image


  • My Iphone.jpg
    My Iphone.jpg
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  • Version.jpg
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  • Networks.JPG
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  • Unl0cker.JPG
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intelxeon how is it does feel good ?

can u check mail and watch video on you tube ?

nice i think by next year will also see iphone in India and i think Vodafone will have right like at&t
i didn't knew there were themes for iPhone... cool!! 'll try some :)

btw r u able to see youtube on it... coz i can't :'(
oh u can get the iphone in india, its coming here this week,but its abit of a rp of will wait till its cheaper or sumting.
btw r u able to see youtube on it... coz i can't

works fine for me on both edge and wi-fi....

it seems some unlocking methods mess up the youtube hash files

you can fix the issue by replacing them...

search for "iphone" + "youtube" + "the three files" to find the fix
gaganjain said:
intelxeon how is it does feel good ?
can u check mail and watch video on you tube ?
nice i think by next year will also see iphone in India and i think Vodafone will have right like at&t

it works great. Everything works fine - even youtube. (this message was sent through iPhone)
kauzy said:
i didn't knew there were themes for iPhone... cool!! 'll try some :)

btw r u able to see youtube on it... coz i can't :'(
Yes I can. Send me a message with firmware version that u are using, and I can let u know how to get youtube working (message sent through iPhone)