My new Plugs!


Fedex just delivered the GuruPlugs I ordered in April :p :D

Haven't tested it yet :p

Total damages for the two plugs 305 USD + 37 USD (Shipping) = 342 USD ~ 15000 INR and they also charged 15% Duty + Service Charges ~ 2500 INR :( :( So final cost 8750 INR per plug. :p
Desecrator said:
wOOt! Congrats! :D

Post your impressions asap! :p

The plug is awesome, but has minor issues which has to be fixed soon. Right now it doesn't work on a Gigabit Network properly, heats up really fast and starts rebooting. Seems to be a common issue as reported by many users on the PlugComputer forum. The manufacturer said its some driver issue and will be fixed soon. On a 100mbit network its running stable without any issues.

It comes preinstalled with LAMP. Has bluetooth and wifi too. Comes with eSata and it supports Port Multiplier so you can connect multiple hard disk through a PM. Overall its a beautiful machine, once the Gbit Network issues are sorted out.

raksrules said:
Err..what is this actually ??? :S :ashamed:

mhafizji said:
wat does it do

Its a mini computer which runs Debian, has 2 USB ports, 1 eSata Port, Wifi, Bluetooth. Uses less than 5w power. You can use it as a Download Box, NAS etc etc. Possibilities are endless. :p
stalker said:
ahh.. its the sheeva plug.. damn buggers changed the name and I was like wtf is this for a moment..

Congrats :D
Aweosme stuff :)
Thanks everyone! :) :)
varkey said:
Its a mini computer which runs Debian, has 2 USB ports, 1 eSata Port, Wifi, Bluetooth. Uses less than 5w power. You can use it as a Download Box, NAS etc etc. Possibilities are endless. :p

wow. never knew about it.

Congratulations. :)
Thank you guys! :) :p

djmykey said:
Can you post pics of it in action.... How you hooked it up to storage and all....
Right now I have connected a WD 1.5 TB drive using a Transcend eSata Case. It gave pretty good speeds

sheevaplug-debian:/home/sata# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc1 bs=1M count=2800

2800+0 records in

2800+0 records out

2936012800 bytes (2.9 GB) copied, 27.6784 s, 106 MB/s

sheevaplug-debian:/home/sata# dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null bs=1M count=2500

2500+0 records in

2500+0 records out

2621440000 bytes (2.6 GB) copied, 32.1343 s, 81.6 MB/s

But the current issue as I mentioned earlier is that it heats up very much, when connected to Gigabit network it starts to reboot after a while. On a 100 mbps, its somewhat stable but still gets very hot. Its a common issue with all the units shipped till now. I called Globalscale the manufacturers and they said they are working on a replacement daughterboard which would solve the issues. So if anyone is planning to get one, wait till the heating issues are resolved.

Hence I am a bit scared to leave the unit running for long time as it may damage the internal components due to excessive heating. I was told the replacement board will be available in 1-2 weeks time so waiting for that. :)