My pseudo HTPC setup


Hi, this is my setup as of march 2010. I'm a very picky person so each component has been thoroughly researched, auditioned and finally bargained for :D

I recently upgraded the pc but dont have the pics but specs are in my sig. This is the old pc in the pics.








Black_Hawk said:
Looks very very classy indeed. Brilliant setup, congrats! :)

Thanks dude, I'm kind of broke so it's not entirely complete yet :D
apextwin146 said:
That is one sweet setup bro. Congrats on the purchases. Whats the sound card and monitor that u got ?
The monitor is a 6 year old 19" 940bw which I need to replace soon.

Soundcard... well

the pc you see in the pic is the old one running off a 1st gen dolby digital live nforce soundstorm soundcard built onto an nforce 2 mobo and atm its running off a realtek hd 892 with dolby digital live onboard gigabyte 890gx mobo. The hd892 may be HD but the quality of the soundstorm soundcards raw audio blows away the realtek in detail and clarity, especially uppermids.

Upcoming purchases are

HD 5850

Asus xonar d2x ( better sound quality than hdav 1.3 deluxe )

htpc case to stack on avr

New wifi pci card.
hackboy89 said:
dude, it's f**king awesome.. but don't you think you need a bigger screen.. and congrats..
Yo, thanks yaar! I know, 30" is too big but I need a decent ips panel for my design work, the new e-ips's dont cut it.
Can only see the signature pic since the imagehosts are banned at workplace.

WTH that's one classy setup! :D

PS: Please post at least one pic as an attachment in TE - that's a humble request. :)
I'm afraid I have to wait till the mods approve my other posts... =( cant attach a pic before that I think.

The rules seem to be a strict about these things here :huh:

Soundcard- in the pic its nforce soundstorm running on dolby digital live.

In present, im in between soundcards running on a realtek 892hd waiting to upgrade to xonar d2x.

monitor is a 5 year old 945bw 19"
Excellent setup.. hoping that my room will be somewhat similar to that by the mid of next year.. with a 40" screen instead of the 19" ofcourse :)
OMG... sweet setup :eek:hyeah:
My 40" screen looks so incomplete without all of that stuff...I have to start auditioning some spkrs and amps :)