My website PHP Help

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Hello Everyone

I have affilate website and i want to put some php script on it so i can get some more traffic

can anyone help me in that ? i am ready to pay for it

you can review my website

"Link Edited"

Prism - your site is catchy indeed - looks great.

No change required.

But do not create anymore threads linking back to your site as its full-fledged Ad page saying buy my book for 80$ to become successful etc.

Few quotes from your site -
When You Join Our Success University Newsletter ($79 Value) I'll Reveal to You...

"Who Else Wants To Earn At Least $4,240 in the Next 90 Days, Fire Your Boss, and Master Your Financial Future...

# My rags to riches story from living out of my car 8 years ago to now earning over $5 Million in online sales in the past few years!

# How to claim $1,949 in life-changing education as part of our FREE Limited Time Offer!
Final warning to you on the same.

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