Necessary Life-Skills for entrepreneurs/leaders/managers

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Party Monger

I know this is a slightly offbeat topic, but what according to you guys are necessary lifeskills/attitude to be successful / make-an-impression an an entrepreneur.

Would love to get some inputs on things that you have learnt the hard way or learnt before hand and helped you get an edge/survive. It could be anything from -
> Day to day habits
> How you deal with people
> Settling conflicts/fights
> Way of working
> Handling change
> Managing people that work for you
> Dealing with potential customers
> Self Marketing and branding.
> Starting your venture
> Acquiring new skills
> Dealing with typical bijhnezmans.

Its a very abstract topic and if you have anything extra to add or resources to share, feel free to add them. A bit of context by way of an introduction and line of work is also welcome but not necessary :P
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