Budget 0-20k Need a desktop for school work.


Hey folks, I need a PC for my cousin for her school work and project (I have no idea what that includes). Budget tops at 20K, not a paisa more.

What is your budget?
Strictly under 20K.

What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
No previous desktops owned.

Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
Hard Disk
DVD Writer
Cabinet (Preferably with PSU)
Keyboard and Mouse combo

Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
No upgrade in near future

Where will you buy this hardware?
Mumbai and also open to online purchase

Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
For school work and project.

Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
I think AMD combo gives best bang for buck, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
No gaming

Are you looking to overclock?

Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 64 bit

Thanks. :)
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CPU -Intel Pentium G3258 -4500,
Motherboard -Gigabyte H81M-S1 -3800,
RAM -Corsair Value Select 4GB 1600Mhz -2600,
Hard Disk -WD Caviar Blue 500GB -3100,
DVD Writer -Asus 24B5ST DVD/RW -1100,
Monitor -Dell E1914H -5400,
Cabinet -Local Cabinet -800.
PSU -Antec VP450P -2500,
Keyboard and Mouse combo -Logitech MK200 -800.
TOTAL -24,600.
If you want to shave off about 3k, you can go with the older LGA1155 platform instead :
Celeron G1610 - 2865
Gigabyte H61 - 2856

Is a DVD-RW absolutely necessary? Most people just use USB flash drives these days.

Here's a nice app performance comparison between all the options in/near your budget - Celeron G1xxx, Celeron J1xxx, AMD A4, AMD Sempron :

As you can see the Celeron G1xxx is consistently faster than all the other options.
Point to note : the Celeron J1900 used in the comparison has 4 cores vs 2 in the J1800 thats available in India, and the Sempron 3850 also has 4 cores vs 2 in the Sempron 2650 available in India.
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Thanks for the replies.

I've decided to not buy DVD writer and use mine to install OS. So far, I've got following options:

Common components:
RAM -Corsair Value Select 4GB 1600Mhz -2600
Hard Disk -WD Caviar Blue 500GB -3100
Monitor -Dell E1914H - 6000
Keyboard and Mouse combo -Logitech MK200 -800.
Local cabinet with PSU - 1000

Combo 1:

CPU -Intel Pentium G3258 -4500
Motherboard -Gigabyte H81M-S1 -3800

Total 21800

Combo 2:

Celeron G1610 - 2865
Gigabyte H61 - 2856

Total 19221

Combo 3:

Intel G3220 - 3230
Gigabyte GA-H81M-S1 - 3480

Total 20210

Combo 4:

AMD A4 4000 - 3500
MSI E33 - 3500

Total 20500

So, only first combo takes the budget above 21k while others are around 20k mark. Which one would you recommend and what should be my backup options if these components aren't available at Lamington road?

G3258 > G3220 > G1610 > A4 4000
Get the G3220 in this case. Should definitely be available. All the brands should have some H81 motherboard available.