Need a PSU recommendation

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You can purchase Antec HCG750 80 plus gold. It is fully modular, has 10 years warranty & is really a very solid PSU overall. It is expensive at 7.5k & is an overkill for your setup but I feel it will pay for itself in the long run.

You can purchase Antec HCG750 80 plus gold. It is fully modular, has 10 years warranty & is really a very solid PSU overall. It is expensive at 7.5k & is an overkill for your setup but I feel it will pay for itself in the long run.

This is good, but its at least 3K out of my budget, and yes, very very overkill
The thing is, around 4.5k you'll only get bronze certified PSUs. If you want higher efficiency & quality you have to end up paying more irrespective of if you want 500W or 700W as there is not much difference in price.
The thing is, around 4.5k you'll only get bronze certified PSUs. If you want higher efficiency & quality you have to end up paying more irrespective of if you want 500W or 700W as there is not much difference in price.
If that's my budget then it's okay, efficiency isn't a big deal. It should be cheap, good, and last a while
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You can refer list to check for quality of various power supplies. Don't go below Tier C in that list.

Cooler Master MWE 550 Bronze V2 is the only one in Tier B I think but has a minor issue. (MWE V2 units have high ripple issues on very low load also resulting in increased coil whine, fix pending.)
Rest of them are in Tier C I think.
Need to replace the 500W PSU in my PC ASAP. Quality/reliability and budget are the most important factors, followed by room for upgrading. What should I get, and what would be a reliable place to get one? I need it by the coming Wednesday/Thursday at the earliest

My PC:
Take an intersection of this thread

with the PSUs here

You will get what you need.
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