Linux Need advice on how to set up my home web server using linux

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Hi all,
I am looking for a step by step guide to setup my own web server using linux. I'm already googled it but I am not get what I want. If anyone know how to setup your spare machine into a web server using linux and other necessary softwares please post it all. Thanks in advance.
If you want your server to be accessible only to your local network, then it's pretty easy.
Install any flavour of Linux. Make sure you choose the Apache, MySQL and PHP packages, while customising your packages.
Once Linux has installed, and after making sure Apache is running, type http://localhost in your browsers address bar, and the Apache start page should load.
Put your website into the www or public_html folder of Apache, and you're done.

If you want to have the site accessible to the internet, you'll need a static IP, and you'll have to install a SE (security enhanced) version of Linux (use CENTOS).[DOUBLEPOST=1371312764][/DOUBLEPOST]You can also do it using your current broadband connection, but it's a little complicated.
Here's a guide:
You can do this in several ways using different Web Servers.
Let me talk about using nginx on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS which is my setup of choice on AWS.
Do read -

What sort of applications do you wish to host on your server? This would decide what sort of setup you need.
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