Need help for gaming pc


Ill be buying a gaming pc next month

Everything decided leaving the cpu and the gpu

For cpu Im thinking of an i5 2500k

For gpu a gtx 570 or the radeon 6950

Now, these 28nm radeon cards are bugging me out

Every month they introduce a new card which performs good but is overpriced

Shud I wait for the prices to cool down?

the gtx 600 series to roll out?

Or stick with what I've planned?

Should I wait for the ivy bridge processors or will i5 do me justice?
how about your monitor?? the resolution you play is pretty important while choosing a gpu. there is no point buying great cards with lower resolution monitors. so plan accordingly.. Even i am planning for an upgrade and so am waiting for ivy bridge before finalizing a build. besides, i have a 5850 currently, which i might hold onto for some more time. btw i gotta 24" monitor.
I'd say wait for the HD78XX series to launch,it'll within your budget and it'll give better performance than recent cards,about proccy it's up to you.