Need Help from Web/ Flash/ Php Expert

I am trying to run a online game in offline mode (thanx to my ISP) so that i can play game offline, and when net comes back it can reload my status . Below is the things I have tried till now.

1. Moved cache files related to game in new folder.
2. installed server, as I know it wont run without server since its a browsr based game
3. Moved all files to server folder.
4. tried to modify the files and run the game from local server.

The game loads a lil with some basic graphics and stops. I tried checking the logs and it tells me there is an error with crossdomain.xml.
I checked one forum and it said something about creating a php file

Here i get stuck. tried looking for some info online, but no help. I am still learning things and I guess i have met my first roadblock.

If any member has some knowledge, would appreciate help.

Below is the link for game.

Heres a lil incentive to whoseover helps me first:

Note--> winner has to pay shipping or arrange pickup.


are you trying to load someone else's flash file on your server? flash can be coded so that it does not load if its in offline mode or has no internet connection. so unless you have the original "fla" file you wont be successful.

Regarding crossdomain.xml, create a new one such that all domains are excepted.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

	    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">


	    <allow-access-from domain="*" />


Reference:>> asdg>> technotes>> cross domain policy files
thnx for the reply 6pack. Yes the site has swf files, which are basically compressed but bot coded. I will try the crossdomain and check if it works.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

I changed the crossdomain file. Now i get the following error - - [29/Oct/2011:22:48:19 +0530] "GET /static.go2.browsergame/en/asset/preloader_asset.swf HTTP/1.1" 404 249

tho the required file is in the folder, it still wouldnt read the same. wonder whats wrong.