Linux Need list of application important on Ubuntu 12.4 !!!

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On a Journey called Life :P
Friends I have just started using Ubuntu 12.4.
so now the thing is what to do like what mods and what applications to use on it ???
I want to use it as frequently as possible as it is a subject in T.Y so what to get familiar with it :)

i need so application for development in php, c++ or c# the mysql or any other database application.

and what else can i install which can make me use more ubuntu then that of windows.

plus any security application or for backup application.
and what else to do to make my desktop more attractive ;)

and most important this is to backup setup of application for off-line more installation.[DOUBLEPOST=1367512204][/DOUBLEPOST]no one ????
yes, using for past 11years.

here's my list of packages beside default ubuntu installation:

arista transcoder - audio/video conversion
winff - audio/video conversion
audacious - nice little audio player
audacity - sound editor
brasero - disk burning tool
kazam - best screenshot tool
vlc player - who doesn't know it?

scribes - lightweight featureful text editor
scite - another lightweight text editor. i use it for very large files.
tilda - geeky terminal
goldendict - dictionary tool (you need to install dict files seperately)
freemind - best mind maps tool

agave - color tool
gimp - general purpose image editor
inkscape - vector image tool
pinta - lightweight image editor
xara xtreme - you must try this old image editor
xaos - fractal image generator

filezilla - ftp/ssh file transfer tool
google chrome - available from google only.
linphone - best sip client
remmina - remote desktop client

adobe flash

firefox addons:
download helper


let me know if you want to know about softwares for any specific purpose.
i just read your post again:

for C++ development install codeblocks or geany. do install g++ compiler also.

for php I use netbeans. not advised for beginners. beginners should begin with a plain text editor.

linux guys don't develop in c#.

in old days i used to spend a lot of time improving my desktop looks. thankfully linux desktops (gnome/cinnammon/unity/kde) are at war with each other. so, now i am able to focus on some serious work.

you need not to worry about viruses or anything like that. just regularly update your system. i suppose your internet router by default blocks unwanted connections.

for backup you do have dropbox clinets. many folder-sync tools. it depends which backup method you want to use.

i suggest join some local linux user's group or there must be one in your college.
i just read your post again:

for C++ development install codeblocks or geany. do install g++ compiler also.

for php I use netbeans. not advised for beginners. beginners should begin with a plain text editor.

linux guys don't develop in c#.

in old days i used to spend a lot of time improving my desktop looks. thankfully linux desktops (gnome/cinnammon/unity/kde) are at war with each other. so, now i am able to focus on some serious work.

you need not to worry about viruses or anything like that. just regularly update your system. i suppose your internet router by default blocks unwanted connections.

for backup you do have dropbox clinets. many folder-sync tools. it depends which backup method you want to use.

i suggest join some local linux user's group or there must be one in your college.

Thank you very much Sir :)

I am new to linux as it is there in our syllabus for t.y and i do wanted to start using open source system :D
c# i asked because it is also a subject in our syllabus.

I have installed netbeans as we will be taught Core Java in netBeans so no problem with it :)

One question that i have been having is about swap memory as i have 8Gb ram and i have given 9 - 10 gb as swap but my system is not utilizing the swap memory :(
i haven't done any mods for the system but wish to !

i have read that Gnome is a heavy environment and people go for changing it to make system faster o_O
Pls are there any tools like adobe after effects for linux which i can use to do some animation work for presentations !!!!!!!
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