Need logo for new education Website


Hello Guys,
We have created a Education & carrier guidance website for the Engineering & other Professional Courses.
TechKranti Web
TechKranti Forum
We Need to grow our website so we need ur help.
Currently we are looking for One Good Logo for our website & ideas for building it in better way at this time our website is too simple so plz make one logo for our web site & one webpage if anyone can do it for free.
i am also pretty fluent with photoshop.

wudnt mind helping, but since its for a website and for commercial use... ill have to agree with thetoxicmind on this one.
i'll send you my work, for techkranti..
if you like it..then bout 14$ for the main logo..
the website is a lot more work,so bout 20$ for that..
believe me if you think this is expensive,then better luck finding someone else who will do it for lesser..
work&Time=money right ??
hope u agree on that..
thetoxicmind said:
i'll send you my work, for techkranti..
if you like it..then bout 14$ for the main logo..
the website is a lot more work,so bout 20$ for that..
believe me if you think this is expensive,then better luck finding someone else who will do it for lesser..
work&Time=money right ??
hope u agree on that..

Yepp you are right... Work + Time costs more... Time also have Value :eek:hyeah: