need router for 2k...unable to decide which ??

as a noobie buy a basic router , else increase budget and get more features

harmeetmatta said:
i googled abt various routers nd wifi ....nd learnt there are 2 types...g and n...and after goin through the forums here...i found that buffalo routers are recommended...

i m a novice when it come to networking as i hvnt done anythin in netwrokin so far....

now i m lookin at buying a new wifi G standard router for around 2k....and i m unable to decide whether to go for belkin or buffalo...

here in the forums i found some threads regardin router for 1.5 to 2k....but my needs are a little different :)

i would be usin to connect it to my iphone for surfin d web and downlaodin apps as in 2 months time i would be buyin a new samsung tv which supports i would be using the router to connect it to the tv as well...

For the computer i use a ethernet cable wire to connect to the internet using a dial up connection...and i dont hv anythin like modem or any other device...i js plug the net wire to the ethernet card nd connect..

i would like to knw in this case which router should i buy....pls suggest me the model/price ....

also i hv seen some routers have usb port ...what is the advantage of havin a usb port in the router...i googled this but could only found one benefit that is printin....any more info on this would be appreciated :)

and if a usb port is really helpful....pls recommend me a router which has a usb port and if possible under 2k....

Thanx :)
A router is a router is a router. I doubt most people are gonna need N speeds, just buy the cheapest G one and enjoy. If you need USB get a WL-520GU.
If u put u r hands down for stability issues avoid D-Link and starting range of Linksys , higher range of Linksys are awesome but too costly. Go for Netgear (Which is cheap than) or Buffalo.

Cisco engineers advice ;)