Need Some Help About Noob Question about C++


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Hello guys ,
i need some help that any one got any idea about c++ that i need the answer asap and anyone who is good knowledge at C++ so can to post asap on thread that i need for project work tommrow aspa or else i might fail it and here the follow question as below

Question 1
Murata sacco commenced business on registration in 1984. It has evolved from a Building Society, a Microfinance Institution, to now the all inclusive Nairobi Stock Exchange. Murata is the largest sacco in the region central Kenya in terms of customer base and operates in other parts of Kenya.
Due to the growth of customers, they want to start point of sale. Points of Sale (POS) where customers shop; pay and withdraw cash in leading retail outlets. They want to start by installing ATM machines in few outlets.
The management was introduced to you by your former teacher. They need you to come up with a software that mimics the atm machine so that they can use it to train their users.
This is the requirements of the management
you are going to implement an ATM system from which customers can manage their accounts. Customers are presented with menu (after login of course). Customers can use the system to withdraw cash, transfer cash from one account to another, deposit cash and get their current balance.
When your program starts, it should be displaying a login screen. User will be asked to enter a login and 5 digit pin code. The system verifies the login and pin and displays an error if it is incorrect.
You have to create a array that holds the username and password
Enter login: joeliwain
Enter Pin code: 12345
Customer menu
A customer is then taken to the main menu where he will select one of the following options;

1----Withdraw Cash
2----Cash Transfer
3----Deposit Cash
4----Display Balance

Please select one of the above options:

1----Withdraw Cash

The user must be displayed a menu to select the mode of withdrawal as follows:
a) Fast Cash
b) Normal Cash

Please select a mode of withdrawal:

a) Fast Cash

In case of fast cash the user must be presented with a menu such as the one below and asked to choose one of the predefined denominations of money. If he chooses withdraw, the user is asked to select the amount from the options given. No matter which option the user uses to withdraw the money the system must check that the amount is valid (i.e. there is enough money in the account).


Select one of the denominations of money: 1
Are you sure you want to withdraw Kshs.500 (Y/N)? Y

Cash Successfully Withdrawn!
Do you wish to print a receipt (Y/N)? Y

Account #12
Withdrawn: 500
Balance: 154500

b) Normal Cash

In case of normal cash, the user should be asked the amount he wishes to withdraw. In this case there is no compulsion that the amount should be a multiple of 500. However, the amount must be valid.

Enter the withdrawal amount: 3650

Cash Successfully Withdrawn!
Do you wish to print a receipt (Y/N)? Y

Account #12
Withdrawn: 3650
Balance: 154500

2----Cash Transfer

If the user selects transfer cash he is asked to specify the amount in multiples of five hundred that he wishes to transfer. Then he should be asked to enter the account number to which he wishes to transfer the money. The user must be asked to enter the account number twice to make sure he got the correct number. In addition the second time he enters the account number he should also be able to see the name of that account holder to make sure it is the right person.

For example,

Enter amount in multiples of 500: 3500
Enter the account number to which you want to transfer: 15

You wish to deposit Kshs 3,500 in account held by Mr. Usman Ismail; If this information is correct please re-enter the account number: 15

Transaction confirmed.

Do you wish to print a receipt (Y/N)? Y

Account #12
Amount Transferred: 3500
Balance: 154500

3----Deposit Cash

If the user selects deposit cash he is asked to specify the amount that he wishes to deposit into the account. Of course there is no max limit to how much money is deposited. E.g:

Enter the cash amount to deposit: 12562

Cash Deposited Successfully.
Do you wish to print a receipt (Y/N)? Y

Account #12
Deposited: 12562
Balance: 154500

4----Display Balance

This obviously displays the balance on the screen. It is similar to receipt (i.e. it has date account number etc) but it does not have any transactions.
For example:

Account #12
Balance: 154,500

Task 1 (testing outcome 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d )
Using C programming language, come up with the required program as per the scenario.
· Define correct data types
· Select an appropriate selection statement (if…else or switch statement)

Task 2 (outcome tested 4a)

Use different ways of checking errors to test your program

· All data entry points should have proper error checks and error messages.
· There must be proper commenting through out your code.

Question 2 (outcome tested 1c and 1d)

This question is concerned with demonstrating the syntax and the implementation of different types of loops in c programming.
As you already know, the purpose of a loop is to iterate one or more statement(s) in your program until a certain condition becomes false.

Using a program that gets the product of even numbers and sum of odd numbers between 1000 and 100, demonstrate the syntax and implementation of the different types of loops.
or here the attachments files below so please download it before reading the question so if u have any idea about the answer so pls edit via doc :) and i would thank for helpful people at our T.E community

and download link 2shared - download pc august 2011.doc
That's a nice massive question you've got there. Asking people to download your assignment question and programming up the solution and posting it for you isn't very wise.

You should state what you've already tried to accomplish with your solution and ask for advice in more specific aspects of the problem.
For OP's sake alone, I would suggest that people restrain themselves from providing him with source code or even with bits of it. This is obviously a test, so help him with queries, but not with cheating in the test.

@Arun: I would suggest that you stop the slack attitude, start taking the test seriously and crack the problems yourself. There isn't even a lot of logic involved in the problems and its only a test of C++ syntax. It should not even take 2 hours to do it.

If you are stuck somewhere and want help, then ask for it and me or someone else would be glad to answer.
+1 to the above post.

If you are stuck anywhere in your own attempt, post the relevant code here and you will get all the help you need.

Keep this in mind the next time you need any help with assignments as I think it is already too late for this one.
a) This looks like a CBSE 11th question, so I think OP is lying about his age

b) This question is just basic coding. They have basically provided all the info, and how to do it.

As already posted above, ask any specific doubts you have