Need suggestions for bedroom AC


Hi all,

First of all, I must confess that, I was overwhelmed by seeing so many posts regarding AC and which one is better buy. I went thru a lot of posts regarding this to make my decision before deciding to ask all the experts. I was bit confused because some guys recommended Inverter ACs, some with high star ratings and some guys did well researched calculation to make their point that 2/3 star rated ACs are good enough for normal residential use and it does not make sense to invest so much on inverter/5 star rated ACs.

Let me put my requirement :
1. Room size : 130 sqft, one wall is facing west side. In summer, room gets relatively hot compared to other bedrooms.
2. Usage : Max 6 hrs during night in Summers.
3. I am based in Pune, so I dont think that during rainy and winter season, I will be using AC.

If you guys can suggest me the models, it would be of great help.
