Need Suggestions for Windows AC


Hello Friends,
I am from Kolkata. I m looking to purchase a windows ac. I m slightly confused as to which brand i should opt for. I am looking to buy one 1ton & another 1.5 ton ac.

Options are
1) Whirpool
2) Samsung
3) Voltas
4) LG/Onida

Things to consider
1) Power Efficiency
2) Low Maintenance
3) Good After sales service
4) To ensure power consumption doesn't rise alarmingly after 2-3 yrs of use.
5) Non corrousion of body after 1-2 yrs.

I went to Big bazaar, khosla electronics and they both were pushing me for whirlpool. They say only hitachi & whirlpool have copper coil rest have aluminium coils.
Also i need your views on that i have a 3 bed room apartment. Now if i buy both 2 tons AC and during any function/party at home, i keep the room door opens, can it also cool the living room to some extent (Provided all other doors & windows are closed).

What do you guys suggest?