Need to choose a compact/ultra compact Digicam, 17k


Hey guys.

Was thinking of ordering a new cam through shop and ship, US.

I already have a superzoom (FZ-28), but frankly its too big to take around anywhere too often, especially at parties where I end up not having the pics to my own party :(

So need to choose a compact or ultracompact camera and was inclining toward the rugged ones.

My budget is 17000 and pushing it only if absolutely necessary.

The options I see right now under the rugged ones are Sony TX-10 and Panasonic FT-3(aka TS-3).

But the options in the non-rugged category are way too many and I don't even know where to begin looking.

Please help me out.

Also the custom duty on cameras is 15% right?

TIA :)