Camera New Camera - Suggestions required...HELP!!!

Thanks a lot wasp. + rep

Like I said, I dont need a super zoom, so no 35x, 20x etc. A 4-5x is more than enough. Video recording would be a bonus
@ Wasp, my words for lens were in context to the requirement of TS which is bit of macro for his rig reviews work etc..

I am not sure how good the kit lens of EP-L1 can serve for the purpose. And if he come across a need for a magnification of 1:2 someday, a decent macro lens (or lens with 1:2 mag) will be needed.. add additional 10k for it...

Though EP-L1 or any other DSLR is FTW if lens expenditure is not the issue...
swapyworld said:
guys sorry for being a noob...but in case of EP-L1 what is the zoom range you can get?
Well, EP-L1 is a interchangeable lens camera.. So the term zoom doesnt make much sense here.. It all depends on the lens you are using.

U get the kit lens of focal length 14-42mm.. U can say it as 3x zoom lens, but again here focal length matters not zoom
ashvarybabul said:
Well, EP-L1 is a interchangeable lens camera.. So the term zoom doesnt make much sense here.. It all depends on the lens you are using.

U get the kit lens of focal length 14-42mm.. U can say it as 3x zoom lens, but again here focal length matters not zoom

what is the exact difference friend? i mean i know i can read somewhere about that but if you could??

and what if i am buying one more lens....won't it go beyond 31K or so?? is it better than D3100??
^The NEX is available in grey market but is priced at 27k,which is quite high,even if its launched officially it shouldn't cost more then 27k,but since it isn't launched grey market dealers are charging a premium.
They stack up quite well and is the one of the hottest selling cameras like in tech savvy county japan it outsells the combined sales of all the M4/3 cameras from panasonic and olympus.

The only drawback at the moment is the lack of lenses like prime,macro which will be launched in 2011,but if you don't mind bigger size lenses you can use the Sony SAM/SSM lenses with optional telecoverter or you can get a cheap $50 converters and virtually use any lens out there from canon,nikon,tamron etc but with manual controls.