Monitors New LCD Monitor + mouse



Have been going through this forum for sometime. Thanks for the wealth of information.

Need a help. I am think of changing my age old 15 inch crt monitor to a 17 inch (or bigger !!) one. Is there something which will be vista ready (HDCP ??)

the second requirement is a wireless keyboard and mouse. Are there ones with rechargable battery ? Any with bluetooth option ?

Am thinking of upgrading/changing my p4 later on to conroe or amd but that will wait till middle of next year.

thanks for your help and awaiting your suggestions.

get a logitech if you want wireless.. good battery life and they have some bluetooth sets as well
Good battery life? What???????? My logitech wireless mouse functions for just a month (if that) on two AA Alkaline Duracells. God alone knows how long it will run on old NiCd or el cheap eveready, nippon.
If you want HDCP, get a samsung 940BW... retails for under 17000 bucks. If you can spend a bit, the Logitech Dinovo is nice for wireless keyboard/mice ;).
KingKrool said:
Good battery life? What???????? My logitech wireless mouse functions for just a month (if that) on two AA Alkaline Duracells. God alone knows how long it will run on old NiCd or el cheap eveready, nippon.
lol me using mx1000 with the built in battery .. last a week between charges with moderate - mid heavy usage

no point getting mice where you have to keep changing batteries
didnt know that logitech had mice that needed aa kind of batteries.. used a ms mouse like that once that was a real pain . was talking about those that come with a built in battery like the mx 700 , mx 1000, you dont need to change the battery every so often and all you need to do is put it on the dock when you dont use it .. even an hour will do
yup.... I also use an MX700 which is quite similar to the 'MX 1000.... battery life is not good at all..... If I play CSS for a long time, the battery is depleted in 2 days.

But isnt really a problem as every night, I just put the mouse on the recharging dock to charge the mouse and by next morning, it is done.

In an absolute emergency it can run even on regular AA batteries.

@Bottle --- Some of the first cordless optical mice used regular AA/ AAA batteries.

I had one of those(still do in is using it right now)
lol 2 days isnt too bad :p mx1000 is a lot better tho

yeah nikhil i know early mice used aa .. just that its been so long that i'd forgotten about em.. didnt have them in mind when i made my first post
Yeah, so why did you say good battery life? I haven't found a single cordless optical mouse that can claim that.

KK...the original set of alkalines( AA )lasted some 6 month on my logitech combo....and then the 1st set of NiMHs (2200mah) has been going strong on the 1st charge for the last 5 months or so....maybe I need to change tem to NiCDs..No point wasting a good pair of NiMHs on them
thanks for your suggestions guys...

yes... i know HDCP complaint monitor is not needed for vista but :) trying to make it a little future ready for hidef... hope aero feature does not have any such requirement.

if i get a non-rechargable logitech keyboard/mouse can i use an external charger and do the charging ? How long does a normal battery last. my usage would be around 2-3 hrs a day
Need a help. I am think of changing my age old 15 inch crt monitor to a 17 inch (or bigger !!) one. Is there something which will be vista ready (HDCP ??)

The Syncmaster 740N is a decent buy for around 13K; it has a response time of 8ms.
1) Raxor Copper Head
2) Logitech G5 = Rs.3600
3) Raxor, some mouse, I think Diamond or something
4) Logitech MX 518 = Rs.2800

This is the arrangement that I read on TE, moreover many people really like G5.

Logitech G15: around 5k

Samsung 798MB Plus, I think around 7k or so, 17"
thank you for your suggestion guys... will go have a look at the samsung hdcp monitor in the market.... by the way... i live in chennai... any specific shops you want me to go and have a look...

another question... is there a way to share external hard disk thru wifi and access from my laptop ?

or should i buy a NAS hard drive... do we get enclosures in the market for NAS and put in our hard disk ?