New monitor


Got a new monitor; Samsung P2350 and Belkin wireless PCI desktop adapters.

The monitor is awesome. If you want the unpacking pics go here

And am happy to say that the Acer Aspire One can export its display to this baby at 1920x1080 despite being a netbook... but dont expect HD playing capabilities :)

Sorry for the crappy pics (Still dont have time to research and buy a point and click cam :mad: )

P.S.: Dont expand the pics; see from faaar :bleh:
Congratulations on the purchase. :)

have a few doubts on the wireless card. :p

How much did you get it for ?

Any idea if it's better than a USB wi-fi dongle ?

I have a Cable internet (static IP) which needs to be logged in from the web page/client. Can this Wireless card be used to provide internet to the PC and a wireless device (Iphone) at the same time ?

sorry for OT posts in your show-off..too lazy to start a new thread :ashamed:
FaH33m said:
Congratulations on the purchase. :)
have a few doubts on the wireless card. :p

Thanks man !!

FaH33m said:
How much did you get it for ?

850/- per piece

FaH33m said:
Any idea if it's better than a USB wi-fi dongle ?

No idea :(

FaH33m said:
I have a Cable internet (static IP) which needs to be logged in from the web page/client. Can this Wireless card be used to provide internet to the PC and a wireless device (Iphone) at the same time ?

I don't think so you can do that you would need a wireless router for this. Lots of routers come with inbuilt facility to login to the ISP and dial a connection. Check which one works for you.
