PC Peripherals New PC Needed - 75k - Require Suggestions


I've been using my old HP dv5200DX laptop for 2 years now and it has really become too slow for me to use it anymore, plus it has some problems due to which I need to buy a new PC.

I have gone through http://www.techenclave.com/pc-peripherals/pc-buying-guide-may-june-08-a-111854.html and have tried to pick up bits and pieces of different configs from there to create something that suits me; however I still need some help with this. Please have a look and let me know if this is a good config and if all the components work well together. My budget is around 70-75k and I've not gone with the 75k recommendation in the mentioned thread as it is 2 months old now and plus I'd like to have a quad core proc and 2 8800GT in SLI.

My usage is mainly software like Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW GS X4, Flash and, in the near future, 3D studio max for which I want the quad core and also I will be gaming a lot so I need the SLI. Also, it has to look good on the outside, I mean sleek, not too geeky, not too many lights etc. :) Plus I don't really want to upgrade this for a long time.

Motherboard - recommend a good SLI board to fit in the budget

Processor - Core 2 Quad Q6600

RAM - 8GB Transcend DDR2 800MHz


Monitor - 22" or 24" (this is very important for me for graphic design) Viewsonic VX2235 WM-5 or BenQ X2200W, suggest some good 24" ones if they fit in the budget

GPU - 2 eVGA 8800GT in SLI
Keyboard - Logitech Ultraflat Keyboard
Mouse - Logitech MX518
Wireless Keyboard + Mouse - Logitech EX110 or suggest something better (good looking and with a good responsive mouse) around 2 - 2.5k
Cabinet - Suggest one with decent ventilation and not too expensive, Coolermaster 590ATX? Or something else?

SMPS - Corsair HX 620 (suggest other if this won't provide enough power)

Cooling - Suggest? Thermalright Ultima 90i + Panaflo Medium 92MM Fan? Is this cooling necessary?

CD/DVD-RW - Something around 1.2-1.5k, something reliable

WLAN Card - any

I already have speakers, so don't need those. Let me know if I've forgotten anything here.

I'm open to suggestions about the config, but I prefer having a quad core proc and 8800GT SLI. Please tell me whether this will fit in my budget of around 75k and if not then what can I change in it?

- Abhay
hx620 should be more than enough.

would you buy stuff from the states? a 4850 setup in crossfire would work out better than a 88gt setup especially if you go for 22"+ monitor.

you could get the cards from KMD.. he quoted 10.8k per card afaik...

the CM590 and the CM690 are both decent cabbys priced nearly the same here.. 590 is for arnd 3.6k nd 690 for arnd 4k.

and get some good quality RAM while ur at it. something like the GSkill or OCZ kits being discussed in the other thread over here

getting an aftermarket cooler is a decision which YOU need to make. will you be OCing your proccy? eitherways, it would make sense to have it running a lil bit quieter/cooler. at the min you could get a Arctic Cooling FreezerPro for some 1.5k. or an ultima+good fan for some 2.5k.
As you might have realised from numerous recent threads, the ATI 4850 is the best thing since sliced bread. In crossfire, its better than sliced bread with extra cheese.

For all other components, wait for others to chime in. People here love spending other's money, and will make wonderful configs :eek:hyeah:

Points that are sure to be debated are whether you need 8gb ram or not, and whether to spend extra for a s-pva panel.
the dell 2408wfp is supp to be a really good panel(s-ips i think). also costs a lot of monies. something in the region of 30k :)

not too sure about sliced dread, but the 4850 sure is a damn good card... and dont we all just loooovee spending others money :D
OK, I think I'll go for 4850 crossfire. What would be the price difference between 8800GT and 4850? Is it available in India? I would prefer to buy it locally rather than having it shipped. Wouldn't want it to get damaged or anything and lose a lot of cash. Plus I need the PC really soon due to problems with my laptop.

What is the difference between the two cabinets, CM 590 and 690?

Also can I get OCZ or GSkill RAM locally? How much does it cost?

About the cooling, I think I might OC my processor and GPU. But in case I don't, then I wouldn't need the additional cooling?

The monitor, I would love to get an LCD with a non-TN panel, but just don't have the cash right now. The budget is strictly around 75k and speed is more important to me. Might probably upgrade the monitor later though.

Will the entire config be available for around 75k?
Q6600 - 10000
CF mobo - 8000
8GB Ram - 10000
WD 640 GB - 4600
2 x 4850 - 24000
KB+MX518 - 2500
CM690 - 4000
HX620 - 6500
Lite On DVDRW - 1300

This comes to - 71000 or so - leaving 4k for a monitor/cooling - how about a 15"crt :p

8GB is probably overkill - start off with 4GB and double later - also prices are approx and slightly on the higher side - you can expect it to be about 2-3k cheaper

So you can expect to have about 12k for the monitor (assuming you go for 4GB) - enough for a 22" monitor

And yes GSkill and OCZ rams are available locally check itwares.com/ the dealers section
Hey dude I would suggest you to wait for 1 more month if you can since new products are about to come out hence resulting a prize crash in intel cpu by july. Have patience and you can a lot in that load of money, You can go for ATI 4870 Crossfire or GTX 280 - SLI
theitwares.com, lynx-india.com and primeabgb.com stock ocz/gskill.

like soggy said, stick wid a 2*2gb kit for now and get additional RAM later

the 4850 aint in india yet. should be here soon enough. expect it to cost atleast 12-14k.. kmd is a very reliable dealer and a lot of the forum members get stuff from the us through him. rest assured he'll take care to ensure that the product is not DOA.

you should be able to do just fine with the stock cooler too. i would still recommend that if you have the 1.5k to blow, get a ACFP7.. atleast.

the cm590 nd 690 differ mainly in their looks and a few details like the orientation/arrangement of hdd bays/slots.. 590 is sorta like the cheaper cousin if you would :p
shahbaaz_vision said:
Hey dude I would suggest you to wait for 1 more month if you can since new products are about to come out hence resulting a prize crash in intel cpu by july. Have patience and you can a lot in that load of money, You can go for ATI 4870 Crossfire or GTX 280 - SLI

intels giving out 'prizes'???? for what? when?? where? how? why??

why the hell cant people use NORMAL language? :mad:
shahbaaz_vision said:
Hey dude I would suggest you to wait for 1 more month if you can since new products are about to come out hence resulting a prize crash in intel cpu by july. Have patience and you can a lot in that load of money, You can go for ATI 4870 Crossfire or GTX 280 - SLI
GTX 280 SLI - 37k+37k - 74k :rofl:
@soggy316: Thanks a lot for the prices and suggestions. I think I'll go for the 4GB RAM for now.

@Stalker: Thanks for the info and suggestions. :) Could you tell me what ACFP7 stands for?

Also, how much of a gain would I get in performance from the OCZ etc. RAM?

About the MoBo, would a Abit IP35 Pro be good? Or something else?
not tooo sure on that front.. guess ppl would recommend the Abit IX38 Quad GT..

sorry about the ACFP7 thingy :p i meant the Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7 :) (was too lazy to type it out :p)

the OCZ/GSkill will have better timings.. and more importantly will run a lot more stabler.

you could get the transcends too, but then all you'll manage to do is save a few hundred bucks.. but more importantly you'll have to scout around a bit for the better chips on them. afaik the transcends which come with powerchip ic's are supposed to be real good.
ACFP7 - Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7 :)

AFAIK The ip35 pro does not support crossfire , you will have to look at someting like the Gigabyte P35-DQ6 for a P35 mobo with CF support
Could you please tell me the prices of the following motherboards and which one would be best with my config:
Abit IX38 Quad GT
the quad GT is about 11.5k

GIGABYTE X48-DQ6 is about $300 - via KMD it will come to about 15k (approx)

GIGABYTE GA-P35-DQ6 is about $171 via KMD it will come to about 10k

the gigabytes are probably not available locally which is why i have suggested the KMD route