PC Peripherals New rig ideas?


Hey all, i'm looking to build a new cutom rig. I decided to oviusly start with the motherboard.

I'm trying to get my hands on one of these:

DFI LANPARTY UT RDX200 CF-DR CrossFire Motherboard

Or something very simliar. I'm looking for something that is around $150 at most (if its really good can be higher). I like the one i linked to up top becouse it can do all modern proseesors with the 939 socket, its fairly fast, and it has a huge number of pci slots which are a must for me as i plan to be adding gfx card, sound card, possibly a physx card and proboly a wireless card so i like having a lot so i can do all that and still have room for one or two expantions.

My problem now is choosing a prossesor. I'm looking for something that can play newer games so proboly a dual core, but cheaper. (AMD as the motherboard specified is for AMD).

I'm going to go with 1 or 2 gigs of ram to start of, more later when i get the money.

So if anyone has some good suggestions on what prossesor i should get, or if you have a better motherboard sugestion then please advise me on this as this will be my first time building a computerfrom scratch. Please note that there are some really good things out there, but i don't want to pay for then $175 for a motherboard, and no more then $200 for a prossesor.

Thnx for any help or suggestions.
getting a physx card doesnt seems like vfm at the moment and $200 seems a bit low for proccy.. dual cores start at around 300$ if i'm not mistaken (at least for x2 or opty)
Why Socket 939?

The release of Core 2 Duo (Conroe) is just around the corner! I highly suggest you wait for that.

Karan and Funky have already sold their rigs :p.
intel dual core are amazingly expesive.

amd dual core (and they acually invented the idea) is much cheaper selling at around $17-$250 for what i want. also, the motherboard that i'm planning on getting

eBay: new Fatal1ty AN8 SLi motherboard NF4 SLi AMD 939 > asus (item 6886234181 end time Jun-01-06 14:33:15 PDT)

supports AMD prossesors. what is 2 duo? and chances are its going to be very expensive. also unless i'm wrong, modern and future prossesors use 939 socket (until they come out with a new socket) right?

for the physx card i'm not getting one now. i just wantt o have the room to get one once the prices drop.
Just coz its the latest, doesnt mean its gonna be expensive.
300$ for a proccessor (Core 2 Duo E6600) which out performs an FX-60, by a mile. Now you decide whats expensive.

Intel Dual cores are much cheaper than AMD's btw :|.

AMD has just released a new socket called AM2. Which supports DDR2 RAM.
Yea one more vote for waiting for Core 2 Duo here as well, if not for getting Core 2 Duo then for the price cuts AMD will have to effect.
That mobo has major issues. If you want crossfire, then either go for the RD580 based DFI CFX3200 or better still wait a while for AM2 mobos and conroe to show up :p. If you must buy now and want something cheaper, then get the SLI-DR Expert. No better mobo than that at the moment for 939.