New Year party---- Chennai

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ShAkErS, RocKers, HeaRtBreaKers reAdy To BlaSt. TENTACLES PresEnTs "On dA RocKs" tHe BeaCh PaRty @ Ec41. KicK StaRt YoUr NeW yEaR WiTh YOGI B,NATCHATHRA And DJ LaRa. NeW YeaRs Eve - 9pm OnWarDs TiLl DaWn - EC41. IT DOESNT GET BIGGER THAN THIS. TiCkeTs @ Rs.999, caLL: 9841260332.
YOGI B u mean???
Indian-Malaysian rapper Yogi B and Tamil rap group Natchatra.

just google for more..
u`ll get the answer.
there is lot more than those guys...
its not a new year function
its a PARTY. there are DJ`s playin.
and its not tamil stuff...

its a proper EC41 party. wit yogi b
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