nForce3 Skt939 board wanted

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If anyone's planning to sell an nforce3 socket 939 motherboard, or if you know anyone else selling it, let me know about it.

I just bought myself a 3000+ venice, so I need a board. set is for sale. i wouldn't mind just selling the board. and its the best there is in nforce guys will agree..the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum . But i can only spare it next week. am from bombay. send me a pm..and wil discuss.
Nikhil said:
Unless I get a PCIe 6800GT and an A8N SLI in exchange for my A8V + BFG 6800GT OC :bleh: :bleh:
Err ! urs is based on Via k8t800pro chipset and he is looking for a nf3 based mobo :|
just to let you know, im going to be selling a BRAND new...absoultely unopened

eVGA SLi Nforce 4 mobo.. for around 8600 i believe
@kev: I think you shud reduce your prices! I got an MSI SLI platinum mobo for 9.2K a couple of days back here in India. That EVGA board is 130$ odd in the states so I guess the max you can expect for it here is 7K.
Switch said:
If you want a A8V then i can sell mine too...

No, the A8V is a VIA chipset. I want an nforce3 specifically. Thanks for offering anyhow.

@kev: I don't want to go for an nforce4 because I'd have to go for a PCIe graphics card. What I am looking forward to is ULi's M1695 chipset, but don't have the patience to wait for it!

@PCJedi: Yeah I'm quite interested in the Neo2, PMing you rightaway.
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stormblast said:
is it with warranty kev? let me know i am interested
yes it is with warranty...with evga

8600 is the full retail in the states...and if it was selling in india it would probably be more :)

Still a lot less than most SLi Nforce 4 mobos in india anyway
Switch said:
If you want a A8V then i can sell mine too...

Are you still on for selling it? If yes, then tell me the exact model number (A8V-Deluxe etc.) the warranty left and the price you're expecting for it. I need to do this rather quickly, so let's speed this up if that's possible by you.

Reply here or PM me, either way it's alright.
I can get you EPox Nforce 3 Ultra board.
Brand new.1 year warranty.
My dealer had got 4 boards,2 were 754,2 were 939.
THe nforce 4 Ultra,i took,Nforce 3 Ultra is still there.
Price, i will have to ask him but expect in the range of 6-7k.

You cna check out my review of the NF4 board in reviews and previews section.
Well its ASUS A8V Dlx wifi edition and is originally bought from bombay only... I got it through funky... How much are you willing to pay for it...
Picked up a board now, couldn't wait any longer.

I bought a new Asus A8V-Deluxe (non Wifi) directly through Asus so it was a steal. Ironically, all the good offers come now, after I've already bought the board - such is my luck.

Anyhow, mods can close this thread.
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