Nintendo Wii jokes!!!

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Maybe they call it Wii pronounce "We" because you will want to share the blame with others for buying a system with such a sucky name.

God Wii? Couldn't they just call it good ol' W? Or pronounce it "Why"?
Here is a cartoon doing the rounds of net after the launch of "Wii"

I think the Nintendo guys r really in deep stress.....Wat a crap name..."Wii"
Hacker said:

Why not stick with Revolution? Because global branding is of paramount importance. The "Genesis/Mega Drive" days are over. One world, one name. And "Revolution" was never going to fly in Japan, where the word is nearly unpronounceable. The end. If it's a shock to anyone, it's only to those who can't imagine a world beyond their tiny corner of it.

What abt REVO then?? wont that be better?? Ok... say Revolution is a bit difficult for the Japs to pronounce.... what abt Revo?? Better than WII :P .... revo does sound sort of cool
How about Nintendo XS? That would sound cool and anyonce could pronounce it. Or why not just give it a Japanese name, and confound the American fans instead.

And how are gamecube and super famicon easy to pronounce? What about virtua boy???

Difficulty in pronunciation by the Japanese crowd never seemed to register with Nintendo before.
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