No more patches for Crysis

So, What About Patch 1.3?
At this time, there almost certainly will not be a patch 1.3 delivered for Crysis. We are aware that this news will disappoint many of you, and we would like to apologize profusely. There is a good reason for this and we hope you understand when you hear more about the reasons why in the very, very near future. Please realize this was an extremely difficult decision, but please do know that we are listening to your comments and are making more consistent community support a high priority.
We are confident that the things we are working on will be appreciated by the community, and we hope for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.

They have stated there wont be a patch immediately, not any patches in future.
They might be preparing something big- maybe they found a way to make crysis play on most PCs with a new patch they are developing - just an optimistic view
Switch said:
Or Crysis 2nd cause eveybody is afterall there to make money...
So porting it to 2 consoles with a 30 million gamers make financial sense no ? Besides crytek had released a upgraded texture pack (unannounced but official) for the PC version, which i suspect is a part of the ongoing console port.
@Blade Hmmm... You have a console so you are thinking it goes your ways while I have a PC so I am guessing it goes my ways :D
Guys, were the patch 1.2 bringing abt any noteworthy changes??? Although I'd downloaded it, the installation was not successful due to some reason & I played w/o patching it;
Switch said:
@Blade Hmmm... You have a console so you are thinking it goes your ways while I have a PC so I am guessing it goes my ways :D
Err no. I remember a excerpt from a interview with Cevat Yerli where he was talking about a port of Crysis on the ps3 and x360. I also recall him saying the game could not be shipped simultaneously to all platform which would mean losing quality, something he did not want. Then this release of the (un)official texture pack came along (usually map packs/patches) are released with some amount of press or PR. But this was more of a silent release so i added 2+2 and figured work was already on the console port. ;)
But they are saying bigger and better... And i dont think consoles will make crysis any of that... The only thing which will get bigger and better is their bank balance :p... The gfx will either remain the same or degrade...

As they say "Just my 2 cents"

But you can be very well right :)
Switch said:
But they are saying bigger and better... And i dont think consoles will make crysis any of that... The only thing which will get bigger and better is their bank balance :p... The gfx will either remain the same or degrade...

As they say "Just my 2 cents"

But you can be very well right :)
Not "they" :p that's just the OP's thought. Crytek hasn't mentioned anything about moving to something bigger and better :p It also occured to me that they might be working on some extra content for the console which would be eventually released on the PC as a addon pack along with the 1.3 patch.